the pigtail pulling relationship
Neither of them have pigtails. You're just being silly
Darla's taunt
Darla's channeling her grand-daughter. The girl's out of her mind, who knows what she meant?
the way they fold and work together
They work together out of desperation. There's fear and following orders. Not lust.
Is there really an AtS/Due South crossover?
Yeah. I linked to it upthread some.
Similarly, I wonder how the Jack/Daniel slashers from Stargate handled Daniel's very real devotion to Sha're pre-Forever in a Day. I can see the two getting together after Sha're's death, but before? Wouldn't such behavior be fundamentally at odds with what we know of Daniel?
This, in particular, I can answer. One that stands out in my mind served as a form of hurt/comfort, where Daniel was floundering shortly after the Series Premiere, and Jack helped him out.
Others played on the extreme absence of Shau'ri--and I really think that over time, the image of who his wife was became different from who she actually was. So it's not so much that the writers considered that he stopped loving her, rather that because she was gone, because Daniel wasn't with her, their relationship wasn't as strong as they thought it was. They'd only been together a year.
Though I will say that the majority of stories seem to take place following Season Three, when Shau'ri died. Then Daniel's focus can be moved, and a relationship between Jack and Daniel could be formed without her as a hindrance.
Angel and Lindsey have the kind of relationship where, if one of them was a woman, they'd just start snogging madly in the middle of all the sniping and posturing.
Like... like Cordelia and Xander. Yeah, like that.
My other problem with Lindsey/Angel?
Angel was shagging Wesley, and possibly Lorne, all through that time.
Seriously, I think my whole 'I don't fancy Lindsey' is a major part of it.
SA, that link took me to an AtS/HCL crossover. ('twas still very nice, though)
Oh. Sorry. All the acronyms just kind of swam before my eyes...
That's okay. Except for that godawful twenty-some-odd part AU, Jossverse/Due South crossovers are hard to come by. I guess that it's too tricky to have the 'verses cross over plausibly. One would either have to give the CA characters a valid reason to go to Chicago, or vice versa.
See, I find Angel/Wesley pretty hard to buy.
Now, Angel/Lindsey I'd buy tickets to.
That's okay. Except for that godawful twenty-some-odd part AU, Jossverse/Due South crossovers are hard to come by. I guess that it's too tricky to have the 'verses cross over plausibly. One would either have to give the CA characters a valid reason to go to Chicago, or vice versa.
The only one I can really think of was AuKestrel's "RayK goes to Sunnydale."
Dana, you might try your hand at Brat Queen's "Epiphany" series for Angel/Wes. I don't have the link handy, though someone must have it.