Which is kind of what bemuses me about the decently-sized QL slash fandom.
Well, there are people out there who will slash anything that moves. Or at least anything that moves in an interesting fashion.
Xander ,'Selfless'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Which is kind of what bemuses me about the decently-sized QL slash fandom.
Well, there are people out there who will slash anything that moves. Or at least anything that moves in an interesting fashion.
I guess I do have a hangup in preferring slash where I can see it. But some people's ability to see it may exceed mine.
I've never read QL fanfic, but I can see Sam as being quite slashable -- not only is he a total SNAG, but he Leaped into a lot of women. I guess the way I would work w/Al's homophobia would be to make it a defense mechanism -- all that time in orphanages and foster homes and then the service, he has to have had some boy/boy experience.
SNAG? I'm guessing abbreviation, but I've not seen it before.
SNAG = Sensitive New-Age Guy
Sensitive New Age Guy.
You know what also bothers me? And it makes me kind of a prude, amusingly enough, but Sam's married. To a woman he canonically adores.
QL's great gift to fanfiction, like Highlander's, is that it can be successfully crossed-over with just about anything.
And, while I've never watched QL, nor read any fic, I think that the 'Sam is married' argument might sway me away from slashing him, unless in a pre-marriage time gap. After all, I don't, for example, slash Oz while he's with Willow. Before, yes; after, yes; but when there's a canon 'significant other' and he's known to be loyal, it doesn't work.
I don't think it's prudish to expect somebody who takes his marriage vows seriously, and who is happy with the relationship he is in, to be a faithful husband and eschew nonmarital intercourse. That's called being true to character. By the same token, I wouldn't be surprised if Al ended up having happy casual sex on a mission just because he couldn't resist.
it makes me kind of a prude, amusingly enough, but Sam's married. To a woman he canonically adores.
To a woman who, canonically, is missing from his swiss-cheesed memory. If the story was set pre-leap, I can see her existence as a problem, but if it's set during the leaps, no big -- after all, her existence didn't stop the show from doing that series of eps where Sam fell in love and fathered a child by another woman (I feel like he Lept into her defense attorney or something, but I haven't seen the show in several years, so MY memory may be the swiss-cheesed one here.).
(I can't remember -- is Al married to wife #5 during the series, or is he divorced from her and dating? Or does it change?)