While you were hunting down google I was hunting through my music files, I have both versions.
Teppy--I'm an idiot. YES! I got it! I keep sitting down to send you an email about what I thought of your pieces and then I get distracted. I'm sorry.
I've listened to both of them twice now---you have a great voice.
Oh, thank you! I'm flattered that you listened *twice*!
I really like it, and I'm going to listen to it again because there are specific things I wanted to say in the email I am planning to write.
Oh my god! You are so sweet! Thank you!
Strangest pairing that I remember right now is Al Calavicci/RayK.
Sam/Ferguson is wrong on so many levels.
Oh, okay, I never knew Al had a last name.
Wait--Al is a hologram, he can't touch anything.
He's only a hologram when he's where Sam is. He's a physical person when he's in his own timeline.