Oh! I read this! I found it off a rec page but I can't remember whose.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I don't get the appeal of RPS
Ah, yes - I remember those heady days of occupying the moral highground. And then Calico broke me.
Heh. I've read some puppyslash, but I (thankfully) haven't the time or the desire to really get into it. (And the closest I'll get to writing it? See above.)
Fay, honey, insent.
those heady days of occupying the moral highground.
I don't care about moral highground, dear Fay. I'm just grumpy because they're writing what I don't want to read, is all. I imagine I feel like all those people whose authors have abandoned their favorite fandom for Smallville, and the like.
Sorry - that totally wasn't meant to sound like a jibe at you/anyone else; it's just that I do think the non-RPF folks have the moral highground. Which makes it difficult for me to reconcile my continued feeling that it's an unneccesary and essentially discourteous form of erotica with the unpalatable truth that I really enjoyed Calico's LotR RPF, and a couple of others too.
I am ruefully amused at my own hypocricy & pine for the days when I was all stout-hearted and believed my own press. Sigh. (But I didn't mean to start the pro/con debate all over again, for it is tired like a tired thing.)
In other news - saw the slashiest episode of Voyager I've happened across so far this evening. Harry/Tom - their love really is a beautiful thing, and the HoYay really was wall to wall. Bless. Enterprise could definitely sell me on Trip/Malcolm with no effort at all. And as I'm re-reading The Princess Bride for the first time in about twelve years I find myself craving Humperdink/Count Rugen. Or possibly Fezzik/Inigo.
signed, Hopelessly Hooked on Slash
Which Voyager Fay? Was it the prision episode? The Chute ?
Yep. I'm still at a loss to think of an interpretation other than "I'm making him my bitch" for the nasty prisoner's attempt to cart Harry away when he first arrived.
(Hi Fay! t waves hand madly )
Hmmmm. I should probably write some fanfiction. Kinda gone dry lately.
But apropros of that, anybody have recs lately? Most any fandom, though I got to watch some Stargate the day before yesterday, and now I'm jonesing for it.
Oh, Fay, that is the slashiest episode. Did you notice the way that Tom and Harry fell asleep holding hands? Awww. Sure, Tom was delirious at the time....
Okay, so now I understand the temptation to write. It is intoxicating.