I Lurve bookslut. Came across this there today. Neal Pollack actively encourages RPF about himself. But thinks that ficwriters are dorky and untalented. Also doesn't understand slash and seems to think it's 'the most popular' form of fic.
Still, an interesting perspective. Check it out. I expect he'll get lots of mail from people, as there's no comment box on his website.
Yes, I know. It makes me uncomfortable, too.
That is entierly your problem. I don't mind the rest of what you say, some of it's quite sensible. I don't want to write you an e-mail, because it would just make me more annoyed. But if slash makes you uncomfortable, that's either a) because you're reading the wrong stuff (and if all you've done is trawl Google, heaven help you), or b) because it's the homosexual element that gets you. Either way- think again. Nothing to be uncomfortable about.
But if slash makes you uncomfortable, that's either a) because you're reading the wrong stuff (and if all you've done is trawl Google, heaven help you), or b) because it's the homosexual element that gets you. Either way- think again. Nothing to be uncomfortable about.
Might I suggest the addition of c) or some other reason?
It's a tad absolute to say that every non-homophobic person presented with the finest the slash world has to offer will become a convert and immediately not uncomfortable.
It's a tad absolute to say that every non-homophobic person presented with the finest the slash world has to offer will become a convert and immediately not uncomfortable.
Hey, that's what happened to me.
Might I suggest the addition of c) or some other reason?
Yes, ita, and very reasonably so.
The reaction above is my issues surfacing, I realise. I just...
t /bad mood
{{{Am-Chau}}} It's okay, dear. We all get growly. Go sit in some lovely cafe or bookstore and have a Mental Health Day.
Thanks, connie. Trouble is, it's as much my health driving me mental as anything else. I'll go back and sit in the corner of Bitches, and try not to growl at this Phill person, or indeed anyone else.
t whisper
I don't know who Phill is either.
t whispers
Shall we growl together?