Cool! Thanks, Dana.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yes, the BFA.
I think I've finally tracked down the rogue code and am working like a demon to fix all the affected bits.
Here's hoping my boss doesn't decide to pay me a visit before quitting time...
The story Dana mentioned upthread, Amperage's "Coyote at Starbuck's," is really fucking great. So sweet. And surreal. But it has spoilers for the end of season five and the beginning of season seven.
RL, if you are looking for Amperage & Livengoo's XF-fic (most of which are insanely long), most of them are in The Gossamer Project. Just search under their respective pseuds.
I'd found that; I was just looking to see if they had any personal archives. But thank you.
Oh, again, dear. I've made several attempts to suck my non-Buffy-lovin', but-still-very-Buffista-like friend into reading fanfic to no avail. She looked at a few things, but nothing particularly appealed to her. Eventually, almost on a whim, I pointed her to Calico's LotRips.
She is now mainlining LotR RPS, reading interviews with the actors, knows an extraordinary amount about them all and has reached a level of fannish devotion roughly parallel to my own Buffy and/or Smallville obsessions.
I'm torn between feeling guilty and feeling triumphant. I think I may have broken her.
Feel triumphant! Feel triumphant!
t evil
Well, I'm torn. I love that she's become a fan geek overnight and is relating everything in her life to her fandom of choice. But I'm rather bemused by it, because it's not my fandom of choice and I do have issues with it. Big, fat, hypocritical issues.
eta But it means she's discovering the Cassandra Claire diaries afresh - I did read them to her over the 'phone a year ago, but now she's a LotR fangeek and she's in love with the Very Secret Diaries too. So that's all nice. And we can be geekily obsessed about LotR together. I read her The Choices of Master Samwise and the little section immediately after it from RotK over the 'phone the other night (although there were pauses for me to stop crying and pull myself together a couple of times), and I'm really enjoying having a RL friend whom I love & who gets some of my stuff. It's cool. I'm trying to tempt her into getting an LJ...
I've got complicated, knotted issues with it that basically end up with "if that's what you wanna do, go have fun; just don't make me read it"....
Oooh, scary. Do you think that my stories are condusive to this sort of thing? They tend to be character studies, not much for plots.