puts hand up for shrift-love
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
AND she looks great in pleather pants.
Foaminess supreme.
Yep. I say that it should be a weekly holiday.
With booze.
And slash.
Er. Um. Thanks, guys.
Shrift Day. I think about declaring one every time I read a Buffy script.
Or look into my new-fic email inbox, which is where the BFA list directs too.
You know, shrift, I owe you a feedback for 'Phallus in Pigtails' which I loved, and which addressed several major problems I had with the movie (which I did not enjoy; and which Trudy tells me is practically a documentary about Frat Boys), and in which I could see MR (who was the only thing that made refrain from leaving the room when the movie was playing)... But I'll write you that feedback.
t cranky
Holy motherfucking badfic, Batman.
Afterward, they stood in silent communion, acknowledging each new woman who joined them. When the fourteenth woman arrived, Buffy took a closer look. "You're Nikki, aren't you?"
She smiled and said, in New York accent, "That I am, Blondie. Heard you were doin' the deed with the nasty that got me."
Buffy didn't, for a change, blush or feel guilty. Truth was truth. "Yeah. He's changed--at first it was the chip, but now he has a soul. He feels bad about what he did to you."
Also, apparently Principal McHottie is Nikki's son. I mean, I think. Or maybe it was supposed to be Forrest? There aren't that many black male characters Buffy could call up in her mind at a moment's notice, and those make about equal sense.
Can anyone point me towards a link for the new-ish Five Things that Aren't challenge? I keep seeing it mentioned, I'd like to see the information, I think it might be in a LJ or another robot-blocking site because googling "five things" fanfiction challenge gave me no love.