t begrudging Okay then.
Mal ,'Out Of Gas'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Go Team Lesbians In Space! Pity there wasn't any hot girl on girl action, but what can a person expect. Darn. There really ought to be some lovely fiction about them. Hmmph. (Now if you tell me that the Terrapin-looking chap whose name always escapes me was ever in a clinch with the Centauri Prime Minister chap, I'll be a very happy little slasher.)
I still feel that Delenn's whole mutation thing was/is deeply freaky, and her relationship with Sheridan spooks me. I keep telling myself it's only like having a sexchange, or something, but the whole femininity thing...I liked her better when she was bald and bumpy looking, with a heady dash of moral ambiguity. Although maybe that was just my reading.
Just to complete my fandomHo image - I'm falling in love with Blake's 7. Which, I suspect, was my first ever fandom - I dimly dimly dimly remember watching it avidly when it was first aired, and being very upset when it got cancelled. I have, however, pretty much forgotten all the details - so watching the reruns on cable is fun. And it's a cracking show, lack of budget and OTT theatricality notwithstanding. Avon. Servalan. I don't know which to oost after more.
Sigh. The slippery slope of fandomHo-ishness is...slippery.
Hey. Some people have seen this one before, but now it's up at Storybay as a PDF, as opposed to being cut-and-pasted onto my web site. So, enjoy!
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 'Til Death Do Us Part"
Te's got a rocking new River-POV up at [link]
I'm looking at all her manips right now and, my goodness, I am newly once more this woman's bitch.
But to the point: does anyone know what this page is talking about? The image isn't my favorite of her work (christ, check out [link] and [link] but I really want to know what MF is.
I just want to hit two more:
I'm deciding that manips go under the header of fic, in my head, at least. They're creative-output fan action, dammit.
Filters are addictive.
I'm filtering things as we speak, when I should be sleeping.
I'm not filtering, but I've got this Chole/Lana thing I've been slicing at and kicking around all night, and now I'm feeling bad that it's a slick-photo-illustration-type picture and not the amazing color art that Te produces.
Did I mention it's 2 AM here on the east coast?
But to the point: does anyone know what this page is talking about?
It's probably the MotherFuckingAU that Sheila Perez and gang have been hammering at for... good lord, a really long time now.
It'd probably have been completed had so many of the writers not been drawn into the great glittery happy-squee beyond that is boyband slash.
What? I'm not bitter. I just want Sheila to write more Wes/Gunn.
Okay, I'm a little bitter, but mostly because I don't get the appeal of boyband slash.
Honestly. Merry Lynne's reccing it. torch is writing it. I have to fight down the sensation that the End of Days is upon us.