Outside of any opinions I might hold on the matter itself, I'm startled that so many people care *so* much, and are so unhesitant to polarize themselves and mischaracterise each other, and just keep carping.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I'm startled that so many people care *so* much, and are so unhesitant to polarize themselves and mischaracterise each other, and just keep carping.
I'm sorry, have you met fandom? That's practically the motto on the fannish coat of arms.
I remember how chuffed I felt when I was recced , but it felt weird because she didn't send feedback. And then later I saw something where recc-ing counts as feedback and you shouldn't be greedy enough to want both. And then I felt weird. The more I read and the more I see, the more I like just sitting on the fringes.
I'm sorry, have you met fandom? That's practically the motto on the fannish coat of arms.
Okay, I now TOTALLY want some one to give me a latin translation so I can design this.
I find the whole thing odd. When people bitch about not getting feedback, when people bitch about not getting the right kind of feedback, when people bitch about not getting quick enough responses for feedback, when people bitch about someone reccing their fic who didn't send feedback. It's all odd and strange and I don't get it.
And, personally, I consider a rec just as good, if not better, than feedback.
I know, I know.
It's just that I'm looking at, f'rinstance, "but we're wanking" disclaimers, and realising that it's hard to tell which side is taking itself more seriously.
Question: What room is there in fandom for non-ficwriters? I just remembered a fandom quiz from a ways back that ranks you in fandom, but if you've never written fic, it's impossible to place.
I realise that although I barely participate as even a consumer of fic, I have no idea how I'd hear *of* fans in other fandoms if they're not a writer.
I wasn't looking for some long detailed piece of feedback, but I wasn't sure how recs worked. I mean, do you just rec something, or is it standard to let someone know that you are reccing their story?
Mostly just ignorance on my part.
What room is there in fandom for non-ficwriters?
Readers, webpage builders, filkers (if you don't consider that writing), fan artists (whether original or photomanip), transcribers, analyzers...
I mean, do you just rec something, or is it standard to let someone know that you are reccing their story?
I don't let people know they're up on PolyRecs, and I don't think shrift does, although I don't speak for her. To be honest, putting the updates together is a fair amount of work, especially in the quantity we turn out. I'd like to notify people, but I don't have the time/energy.
I realise that although I barely participate as even a consumer of fic, I have no idea how I'd hear *of* fans in other fandoms if they're not a writer
Well, their LJs, but it's a good question.
I know that most of the peeps I know in other fandoms, I know from lists and LJs and cross-fandom friends. I get way more feedback from writers than from non-writers, which is the only way I'd stumble across people who aren't here or on my lists if they aren't writers or vidders or the like.