Don't expect it all to get done period. Some archivists don't have time, some archivists will do their best, some are vacationing in Tahiti.
That's not to mention all the other places on the net where you didn't KNOW you were being archived, until you googled your pseud one day. Although googling the email address is better, actually -- you get the archives and not just random references.
Changing your fic pseud is just... unpleasant. I don't recommend it unless you absolutely have to. Like you posted everything under your legal name and it included RPS and now you want to teach kindergarten, or go into politics.
My email address only shows up on Google for Smallville Slash. So I guess I won't worry about that.
I think of myself as "askye"
Out of interest - do you think of it as pronounced "Ah sky", "Eh sky" or "Ask ye"? Or something else?
Like you posted everything under your legal name and it included RPS and now you want to teach kindergarten, or go into politics.
t suddenly dry-mouthed.
....not my legal name. No. Not RPS, no. The Big Gay Sex, occasionally including allegedly underaged alien superheroes - yes. Teaching kindergarten, yes.
I pronounce it "ah skye". Although "eh skye" would work as well.
FYI, for any of the archives I run, I do change e-mail addresses and website URLs upon request.
Well, I change the stuff in the database right off, and then take my sweet time updating individual story files.
I'm not too worried about how long it takes for stories to get put back up on the archives, I realize it's a huge pain in the ass.
I pronounce it "ah skye". Although "eh skye" would work as well.
I read it as 'ask ye', for some reason. Falls into that in my head somehow.
I think I've said AYskye, which has a slight difference to eh skye.
Me too, Lizard. Long A, sky.
As long as you are pronouncing it close to a skye. Rather than ask ye, I'll call it the correct pronouncation.
Considering I don't pronounce Allison the correct way, I don't feel like I have room to be picky.