I say go for it. I've found when writing crossovers, that it's best to pick one of the two series to be the dominant one, and save most of the explanations, etc. for the less well-known series.
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Well, don't get attatched. Or do, but know that there are two seasons, and that's it
Sigh. It's like Alien Nation all over again.
rassen sassen frassen grumblegrumblegrumble
In other news, I found myself writing HP fic on the train last night. Swoopingly romantic gushy nonsense. First person (which, hello, I don't do) Snape/Lily, but also looking at Lily's relationship with her sister. Probably come to nothing. Where's my Jossverse muse gone?
MM - Not as mad as you might think. JennyO wrote a rather nice Buffyverse story that's BtVS/Beowulf slash, which puts an excellent spin on the story.
Heh. That sort of answers my question.
The Grendel I'm referring to in this case is a comic-book series by Matt Wagner. The main character is a criminal, but it gets all into the power of images and ideas...
Ah, well.
Hell yeah - go for it, MM. Silverlake would certainly welcome it with open arms.
MM, given that yours truly is midway through writing a Sailor Moon/Homicide: Life on the Streets crossover, I once again say "go for it." I've read many crossovers where I had clue zero about the other series involved, and wound up a) liking the story a lot and b) discovering a new fandom.
Hm...well, okay...
C'mon. You know you want to...
Yes! Go for it!
I'd love to see it, dagnabit.
Do it and I'll write the Dude, Where's My Car/Smallville crossover that's been in my brain all week.
And now I have an XF/Farscape crossover brewing in my brain... damn.
See? It's crossover madness week.