NaNoWriMo is 50K words.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
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Ah. So I'd have hit the target if I'd just written that extra 49,990 words, then? I thought it was only 39,990 I was short.
C'est la vie.
Surely it's more like 15K words?
[edit: Oh, never mind, you were talking about the November thing., not the current thing.]
Everything submitted for publication in the humanities in the US has to be twelve-point Courier, double-spaced. I imagine it's the same for fiction, though you're much more likely to have an agent to tell you what the proper protocol is there.
Huh. I've been hearing people say that with fiction you can now use Times New Roman and Word's word count function rather than ugly Courier font and the count estimate mentioned upthread. Must learn real answer soon. Would suck if lovingly researched and written Regency novel rejected for being the wrong bloody FONT.
FWIW, I've been told that you're already ahead of the game if all the words on the first page of the MS are spelled correctly. It seems best to give the editor as little reason to resist reading the MS as possible, so professional-style presentation (double-spacing more important than typeface, not a funny font, et cetera) with a header on each page (name, MS name, page #) is the most important element.
Editors are used to seeing MSs in Courier, which is monospaced and kind of ugly, but it's very reliable for technical reasons, and they don't see it as ugly. :-)
NaNoWriMo is 50K words.
Ah. So I'd have hit the target if I'd just written that extra 49,990 words, then? I thought it was only 39,990 I was short.
I ♥ Fay.
Times New Roman also uses space between letters in an odd way. Courier, I believe, is not kerned (which I think means squishes the letters together so you don't have big spaces to either side of the letter i).
Courier is monospace; all of the characters (m, i, 7, and the space) are exactly the same width. That's really its main attraction. So, yeah, I don't think it's got very widely-varying kerning in between letters.
Everything submitted for publication in the humanities in the US has to be twelve-point Courier, double-spaced.
Which, btw, is so. fucking. annoying when you've got to edit it. And, you're, you know, me, and hate Courier.
If you submit it with a wordcount you did yr very own self, it shouldn't matter what font.
Courier hurts my eyes, with all that gappiness where no gaps should be.