I'm very impressed that you can focus on any of the plot in that story. I usually get to the sex, lose all chance at coherent thought, start to regain it, get to the end, and melt into a slashy love puddle.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Well, you know, I'm a trained professional. Don't try this at home, kids!
Also, on my nth reread just now, I'm noticing some weirdness in the time when Lex gets shot, but it took me how many rereads to get past Oh my God! They've shot Lex! Those bastards!. So, yeah. The last, say, quarter of that story makes rational thought unpossible.
Welcome, Snacky! As always, I am ridiculously pleased when I run into somebody who enjoyed KD. t prancing around in circles
Hee! A new Smallville story from Lanning, set in the Identical universe. Christmas schmoop!
Clark snorted. "Don't give me that. Every kid reads Dr. Seuss."
"I read Aristotle."
The Last Virtue Yahtzee Holiday story.
Good, with one small caveat, that being I cannot recall any canon support for the notion of silver bothering Angel or any other vampire. In fact, you'd think the pimp chain would have beheaded Spike, were that the case. Yes, she specifies almost pure silver, BUT, peeps, Sterling is .925 silver, with the balance normally copper for strength. That's pretty freaking pure. Hell, even coin silver is .900 Other than that, pretty decent.
I went to bed early last night. 200 new messages in Firefly, 100 in Bitches. Argh....
HP recs: These are the things I've bookmarked. You've probably seen some of them before.
[link] I'm going to start with this one. I've said it before, I'll probably say this again, this is one of my favorite pieces of fic ever written. I rilly ought to send that feedback letter.
[link] Quick read it right away! This are snippets from a long fic Puca Dentata is working on right now; they're fabulously-written and they approach the characters *very* interestingly. Quite possibly one of the most compelling takes on Dumbledore I've ever read; and Ron's path isn't that boring either. I really haven't loved PM's Buffyverse fic, in the past, on issues of sheer technical competence, but this story looks like it will be *good*.
[link] Silvia Kundera rocks. all. over. Lemme say this loud: this woman is *good*. One of my favorites is Legend, but in no way is it her only good work. Check out her few Buffyverse and Smallville fics, while you're there.
Also, apparently, her vids are supposed to be very good. But I can't see them, because I don't have Windows. t pout
[link] The First Kiss Project holds shorts by dozens of writers, of varying quality but some are *very* good, about a certain pairing's First Kiss.
[link] I don't think this is on SK's main fic page yet? Even if it is-- read it it's wonderful.
[link] This is by Viola, the woman whose A:tS S3 fic has got me permanently in love with her. And soon I will finish transferring all her other things to her directory on my site; but until then, you can read her HP fic offa this site. It's Tom-Riddle-centric; or, really, Metis/TR-centric. Metis is his OC girlfriend. Do not flinch. It's very good.
[link] This is decent. I dunno, maybe it's pretty good, but it's not *so* good that it makes me love it. Or overcome my bitty bias against Snape/Draco.
[link] This, OTOH, *is* so good it makes me love it, and overcome my Snape/Draco bias. It's by Resonant-- of course. She's written a couple other HP things, too.
[link] This isn't grab-you-by-your-guts-and-squeeze good, but it *is* good, and an entertaining read especially if you like Draco.
[link] ... This author doesn't seem to know what the rest of the internet might consider puppyslash to be. Koff. Anyway. Sirius/Remus-a-riffic; occasionally pretty
[link] is cute, if not brilliant, and a little bit funny. Although fantastically badly titled. Please do not read "speculum" in the gynecological sense and become disoriented.
I'm not sure what of mine in that last post is resizing my window. But I'm just-woken-up and stupid. Could a stompy fix it if they see?
PMM - I thought that it was because the object itself was magical/holy, not the silver thing. Hmmm.
I loved Second of Our Reign until the end, when I felt like the bottom fell out of it. Frustrated me to no end. I find a lot of wax's stuff hits me like that. She's undeniably talented, but sometimes I'm just completely out of sync with her.
I can't find the exact line (because I closed the window, and I am lazy), but it was something like blah blah blah silver so pure it burned Angel a little when he touched it blah blah blah. But I'm now cherishing the image of death by pimp chain, so it's all good.
I have mixed feelings about Yahtzee's stuff. It's generally well-written, but sometimes it has the plotted first, characters fit to plot second feel, where some things are really on, and others are really off, and the things that are really off throw me out of the story.