Jilli, Lust over Pendle. I'm just saying. You'll never see Neville Longbottom the same.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I took the time to come over here and respond after you took issue with holding the discussion elsewhere.
Which I really appreciate. Go you.
Shed Your Skin - man, I love that song. So Clexian. And now I'm listening to the Indigo Girls CD you sent me, Mme Lizard. You're an angel.
Jilli - what flavour of HP fic do you fancy? Have you already tried Lust Over Pendle?
Or, if you're after something shorter, there's some nice stuff by Shalott . And of course Fearless Diva's Tissue of Silver is smashing, but it's still being revised. Hmm.
LoP, LoP, LoP.
I'm just not seeing how I breached netiquette by commenting about a post in one public forum on another one.
I'm not sure it's netiquette per se. More of the Buffista sense of community. We value our privacy, as feeble as that may be in reality.
I know it doesn't seem like a lot to you, but it was to me and I took the time to come over here and respond after you took issue with holding the discussion elsewhere.
I think we all appreciate you coming over here and addressing this with us. I understand that giving out your true email and such is a big deal for you; but that particularly is a function of how the Buffistas function; our trend towards community and privacy. We don't want flamers. We don't want people who will try to bring down our community.
Which I hope you understand is not what I think you are. I'm just trying to convey our thoughts behind the matter. Or, our thoughts as interpreted by little ole me.
sense of community
And that's the bottom line. There's a real sense of community, and I really fucking cherish it. Um. In an irrational Go Go Gadget Sam Gamgee Overprotectiveness reflex kind of way generally reserved for my wee sister and Mme Lizard. (And Sam himself, of course, who is mine, and for whom I will kill all comers if they try anything.)
God, could I sound any more like an unfriendly bag?
t slaps self
I've got LoP (in MS Reader format, sniffle) sitting on the work 'puter right now. I meant to bring in the Pocket PC and port the file over, but forgot it this morning.
I want good Snape fic. Because Alan Rickman? Oooooh.
t grabbing Fay's hand
could I sound any more like an unfriendly bag?
Sorry, you don't sound like one now. Go read LoP. Link to follow soon.
Edit: Sorry, thought you were Jilli for a second. Must have been that air of wonderfulness you give off.
God, could I sound any more like an unfriendly bag?
Um, you didn't sound like one in the first place, silly girl.
Also, Buffistas does not allow anonymous posting. I had to register with a real email address and then verify the registration. I know it doesn't seem like a lot to you, but it was to me and I took the time to come over here and respond after you took issue with holding the discussion elsewhere.
Yeah, that's also true: the buffistas.org message board format may seem even a little hostile to someone unregistered. And that's a reason to post your reactions in your private journal, because, after all, they *are* YOUR reactions.
... But I only found your LJ entry because you're on my friends list. If I hadn't linked you back to here, there might have been a possible huge debate raged on your comments list, without, say, Theodesia herself, ever knowing. And *that*'s something that upsets me-- the idea that someone might be discussing things about me or my group of people, in a public forum, but without my happening to know about it. And intellectually I absolutely know it's impossible (and probably even a silly desire to have), to know what and when people are discussing about you; but when it happens on the internet, and there's a debate-- about my community, *and* about the fic issues I'm very interested in-- I don't get to take part of, I get twitchy. That's why I linked back your journal here.