I read everything. Slash, het, gen.
PMM: Thaw. Buffy/Angel crossover.
I didn't like Thaw, actually. I thought it was an interesting concept, but a flawed execution.
My comments on it elsewhere were that I ... "actutely disliked the way Buffy was handled. I had some other issues, and while it was an interesting story attempt in terms of plotting (though there were holes which I thought I could drive a dump truck through), and quite ambitious"... I also didn't agree with the list consensus that the characters were spot-on.
But I'm insanely picky about how Buffy is written, which makes it hard to read a lot of things.
Not particularly. Mostly I'm looking for good fighting.
Uh, once we get out of slash, I'm a little less useful. Have you tried this archive? (I know nothing about it. Nothing.)
Does anyone have the link to Te's recsblog?
We Read Crap So You Don't Have To
We Read Crap So You Don't Have To, aka Te's recs blog. Although she's in the process of switching domains, so it might disappear from there at some point.
Edit: Curse you, wee shrift!
I'm not saying the LJ-er in question grossly violated every rule of netiquette and should be banned from the Net. I just think it's kinda rude to cut and paste someone's posts into your LJ and then criticize them. Even if you then welcome us to respond in your own forum.
I disagree that it's rude for me to be critical of something written in a public forum, but I do take your point about me forcing people to respond to me in my own pond. So here I am, logged in with a legit email address and everything.
Context is everything, but the only thing I have to go by when I surf in from a referrer log is what's immediately presented to me and that happened to be an outrageous remark. And it seems fair enough that I should be able to take what is said at face value.
marcontell - I'm very sorry to bring this grief on you with the blasted referrer log. I'm flattered and pleased you like my fic well enough to link me here. I really do appreciate the discussion that's been conducted, and I would like to clarify that it was really two specific remarks that stuck in my craw not the discussion as a whole.
My take on private/public space issues re LJ/Buffistas/whatever - if it's on the Internet and it's not firewalled it's public.
Dana, you do understand that I will still look at you funny (and perhaps rail) if it sucks. Just so's you know.
Can I just plead that you not link us in fandom_wank? The point may be moot, but...I'm feeling a little isolationist today.
Anyway, we try hard here to have rational discussions, and all viewpoints are always welcomed, so if you'd like to stay and talk, go for it.
Curse you, wee shrift!
Although she's in the process of switching domains, so it might disappear from there at some point.
I do think Te said that the recsblog would stay on strangeplaces.net -- but, you know, shit happens.
Dana, you do understand that I will still look at you funny (and perhaps rail) if it sucks. Just so's you know.
Hey, I don't ever remember declaring myself the queen of finding stuff. The Great Enabler, maybe. Sucking people into new fandoms, yes. Finding random gen stuff? Noooooo.
I don't ever remember declaring myself the queen of finding stuff
It's because I look up to you and respect you so. So I need to be able to bitch you out.
shrift, you know anyone who's written good Crowish stuff?