Well, you clearly read too fast. This is the problem.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Well, you clearly read too fast. This is the problem.
HA! Or writers just write way too slow.
I know I read too fast. Which is sad because I blow through good stuff in a matter of seconds and am left with only badfic. And eventually, you even run out of fun badfic. From then on, it's nothing but manmeat and insanity.
PMM: Thaw. Buffy/Angel crossover.
Have you read Yahtzee's latest?
Then you get into the whole "is lj a personal place, or public forum" debate, which is about as messy as the rest of it.
t bouncing up and down with the effort of restraining herself See, but it's such an interesting question! And I've wanted to pick at it for ages! Except I'm not, because that way madness lies.
Rec lj I ran across recently here had some good Buffyverse.
Dana! Reccy girl!
Can you point me to Crowfic?
From then on, it's nothing but manmeat and insanity.
Story of my life, Kristen. Story of my life.
Hmm. Brenda Antrim has some. bantrim.net.
Edit: Are you talking slash? I kind of tend to assume slash...
Thanks for the fix, ita.