'Soul Purpose'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I think it was Stacked.
It was fucking fun.
Yes, waking up a girl fics are always a riot. Well, except when written badly and then it's just sad and wrong.
Okay, on the subject of RPS, I just heard about the following Ian McKellen quote and find it rather fascinating:
Q: My fellow yahoogroup members and I all respect you, the cast, crew, and movie itself. Most of us indulge in a hobby called 'fanfic.' A great deal of us write (or read) 'slash,' and a few members write 'RPS' (Real Person Slash.) What are your thoughts on such things? Do you consider them slanderous to your good character and/or to the good character of any actor/movie/etc?
A: I am not well acquainted with slash but find nothing harmful in haring fantasies about favourite characters or their interpreters. Within the context of such sites even Real Person stories seem unobjectionable as they are clearly fictional.
To move to a slightly different tangent (all this puppyslash discussion is intresting, but I'm still on the LJslash thing) it seems to me that were as what RL is aiming at is to create a new fic character the same way that she's created her other fic characters, what some of the rest of us are doing is creating Mary-Sues for other people, if that makes any sense.
A Mary-Sue is self-insertion; my kind of LJslash is insertion of somebody else. The other characters even react the way they would to a Mary-Sue.
Does that make sense? I may have thought about it too much.
I tend to think of my RPS as original fiction played by five guys from NSYNC.
That's exactly my take on the LotR RPS I've read - that the stories are original fiction being acted by loose virtual analogues of real people. Like writing a play with such-and-such an actor in mind, and then they perform it, but it's not actually about them at all - it's just that theirs is the face animating the character.
t banging my head against the desk over the people who fucking CONFRONT actors about RPF
People - they're often stupid. And scary.
Oh, I know. And it's the not the first one. There was the infamous Tony Lucca incident when a bunch of fans did it to his face.
But I do find McKellen's comment interesting. Despite what provoked him to say it. I mean, did he just give consent to being slashed?
It certainly looks that way.