Hello! Oooh, it's all very new, isn't it? Hmm. I tried to come and play yesterday, but discovered that I'd screwed up the whole password thing somehow and it refused to let me in. Wicked site.
Anyway, um, I have a question for X Files experts. Ahem. Having just watched one particular scene of 'Terma' four or five times in succession, I have to ask if anyone knows of any Skinner/Krycek set during this episode? Because I had the impulse to write a PWP, but I'm quite positive that other people's brains must work just like mine and there must already be a fic with the same, ah, scenario. Ahem.
The scene, lest you forget, involves a shadowy Skinner fastening his pants as he comes downstairs in a state of drool-inducing toplessness, opening the door to Mulder and Ratboy, agreeing to give Ratboy a safehouse, letting them in, punching His Poutiness (I'm still disturbed about how very hot I find the sight of Krycek getting hurt) and then dragging him outside and handcuffing him to the balcony. There is no WAY that this scene failed to produce slash. So can somebody point me to some? Because otherwise I'm going to have to write it, and I've got a Maths test to learn for, damn it, and oceans of Betas and suchlike that should certainly take priority.
Oh, also? [badinfluence] Go on, Dana. You know you want to set up an Alias site [/badinfluence]
t snicker
I'm sure it's been written too. I don't know any offhand, but you should probably check the Basement.
Fay, you terrible woman. Do you even *watch* Alias, or is this just general principle taunting?
I'd, uh, help you. If you wanted to. Set up a site, that is.
Because there's gen and het too, damn it!
Well, there's the Krycek/Skinner archive over on RatB, the Skinner/Krycek Slash Archive, and Warm Thoughts, a Krycek/Skinner e-zine.
The thing is, there are three decent-sized archives. But Credit Dauphine's announced it's shutting down (no idea why), and the other two haven't been updated since January and April.
I've seen a couple of episodes - enough to wish I'd started watching it when Sky One first aired it, but luckily Channel 4 (terrestrial telly) have just started screening it, so I caught most of the pilot episode last week. I've also seen the Oh My God!!!! episode involving the Xanderish character, and the everything-suddenly-goes-X-Filesish-and-isn't-that-Maggie-Walsh episode.
But yeah, it's pretty much general principles taunting. *g*
Also? Thanks SO much for the link, you doll. I've found one Balconyfic immediately, which was just enough to have me yelling "no, not like that you fool!" - so I may just have to pen something fast and dirty for my own satisfaction. (Er. Which really sounded pornier than I meant, but I guess that's appropriate.)
Can I just add my astonishment at the fact that The Basement boasts an AU piece of Mulder/Skinner/Krycek entitled "Apprentice Wizard and the Unicorn 2: The Grand Wizard meets Prince Alex". Suddenly I'm starting to see where the writers-of-disparaging-articles get their whacky notions about this fanfic business. (Not to say this is a bad story. It may be the greatest piece of writing in the history of literature - I didn't read it. But that's quite a title.)
Which reminds me - today's lecture on teaching literature (which I'm SO looking forward to) included a splendid ten minute section in which the lecturer read us a book called "The True Story of The Three Little Pigs", or something along those lines. Fairy Tale fanfic from the Big Bad Wolf's POV - nothing more, nothing less. Fanfiction.
[stumbling back, blinking]
Well, I think I can say with some justification that the aforementioned AU reads very much like something that's entitled "Apprentice Wizard and the Unicorn 2: The Grand Wizard meets Prince Alex".
FayJay, if you want the quintessential X-Files fic, read the Iolokus series by Rivka and Mustang Sally. WARNING: this goes into some damned weird freaky places and graphic unhappy sex seems to be their rason d'etre. But the last two sections of the story are plot-ful, and nifty and frequently funny and the Gunmen are lovely, and if your psyche is up to it you won't regret reading it.