debchan's written Fight Club.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
RPS --> RPF -->
And I make no difference between those things; but then, I've already (over)said my piece, so I'll stop.
Yeah, slippery slope there -- but I do think depicting an actor wandering around a New Zealand neighborhood with his sword strapped on is a bit less intrusive than depicting him screwing a costar. Or his ex-wife, or whatever. Remember: continuum. :-)
but I do think depicting an actor wandering around a New Zealand neighborhood with his sword strapped on is a bit less intrusive than depicting him screwing a costar.
And I don't, at all. But! To each her own.
Indeed - but the only distinction I've been used to making between Real People Fic and Real People Slash is that one is specifically homoerotic (which doesn't necessarily mean sexual or explicit) whereas the other is a blanket term for all Real People Fiction, Heterosexual or Homosexual, pornographic or mundane.
OK, it's not that I don't *at all*, but I do personally believe that distinction, when put in any sort of terms of continuum to be very, very dangerous. Not the fun kind of dangerous. The upsetting kind.
Like I said. IJS.
How so? I'd like to understand your point.
I think I've said it over and over, today but mostly the first time I was around for the RPF argument here, in the old PPO thread at WX. So, forgive me, but I said I was gonna stop yapping and I will.
Sorry, I wasn't here for that argument, so didn't realize you'd gone all over this ground before.
And I've got no problems at all with retreading old ground! I am Reiteration Girl. As Michele, actually, knows. But I started feeling like I'd said enough for today and everybody was kind of delicately coughing into their hands and going "why won't she shut up".
I mean, I'd said my argument, and other people said theirs, and even though I still run with my same point of view, I'd run out of new things to say yet. To just reiterate my own argument would only, I thought, annoy people.