Dana and shrift, maybe you should count the number of people you'ved seduced into the various fandoms. Because I'm a total DueSouth whore now, despite having barely seen an episode.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
maybe you should count the number of people you'ved seduced into the various fandoms.
See, that's just so much more difficult to quantify. You've got the enthusiastic converts making with the yay, you've got the grudging converts who bombard you every day for more recs, the secret converts who say nothing...
Just finished Lust Over Pendle. I enjoyed and appreciated it a great deal, and agree with the holes mentioned upthread. I did think it a touch too coy at times, though.
I need Crow recs. Movie or TV.
Someone please help me.
I'm a happy convert of Due South, I dabbled in Sentinel, but it couldn't hold me. I read Hard Core Logo on occasion. I have an on again off again affair with Harry Potter. Farscape is the fandom I wanted to really really really like, but somehow we looked at each other and tried to make it work but the chemistry wasn't there. Highlander tries to seduce me back.
And Lord of the Rings...I feel the pull of the fandom, like Frodo feels the pull of the Ring.
Can't help, sorry ita.
As for fandoms: Buffy is still my main, and will pick up again when they start showing the new season over here. On the other hand, I dabble in Trek fic without wanting to write it; I'm sliding quickly down the slippery slope into Star Wars (though only Han/Luke or Maul: I can't take Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan); and Lord of the Rings is a joy and a slash fandom growing in my mind.
And Harry Potter is flirting outragouesly, but it still has pimples so I'm hesitating.
Hossgal just posted something marvelous to her LJ -- it's Firefly fic. I'm hoping it'll end up on Glass Onion soon. I think this might be Hossgal's perfect show -- spaceships and horses! Damn frelling FBC.
It tells me there's no [link] Can you link to her journal?