You're just flattering me so when my basement is finally re-finished and we have a guest bedroom, you can move in so I can introduce you to the various single men I know who would worship and adore you.
Bwah! No, I wasn't - but I shall be making a point of doing so henceforth. ::cough::
t smooth & charming voice of seduction
My, how very gorgeous you're looking this evening.
t / smooth and charming voice of seduction
(flutters eyelashes)
This is going to lead to me bringing in my pocket PC, hooking it up, and transfering the eBook of LoP to it, isn't it?
How do you think I finally found the time to read it? Loaded it on my Palm, took it with me over Thanksgiving holidays.
I've not yet cried at fanfiction (though Roseavere's new Birthdayverse has had me close, and will get me sobbing eventually--sooner, I expect, rather than later), but I've made some people cry, does that count?
I LURVE to make people cry. Especially my betas, who should know better. Heh.
I LURVE to make people cry. Especially my betas, who should know better. Heh.
I have a love/hate thing with this.
On the one hand, I think it means the writing is working... on the other, it makes me feel like a big meanie.
Be a meanie, PMM. There are too many softies out there. Play to your strengths. *grin*
Elena's "Two Ravens" (and associated stories) made me cry. Lots.
I have a real fondness for bleak dark stories, put two characters together, give them a taste of hope or happiness and then grind it away under your heel.
Except for Due South. I don't want bleak dark despair in Due South. I want Fraser and RayK to live happily ever with lots and lots of hot sex.
I don't want bleak dark despair in Due South. I want Fraser and RayK to live happily ever with lots and lots of hot sex.
I don't mind some sadness in Due South (c.f. "Executor") or some angs along the way, but I totally agree with you on the happily ever after for those two.
The occasional sadness is fine. Obviously I love Executor, I do tend to skip right to the poem, even though I know I'll get teary because I want the pain of it.
And angst during the story is fine, but it should end well.
However, with Smallville (although I don't read much Smallville) I prefer a story where it starts happily and hopefully with hot sex and ends in bleak despair with Lex and Clark being ripped apart because of their differences.