Yay! "Executor" is one of my favorite Due South stories (even though it is so, so sad).
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
"Executor" is one of my favorite Due South stories
Well, I was looking at old recs trying to remember what stories I'd accidentally forgotten, and I couldn't believe I hadn't put it on there yet.
I don't cry much when I'm reading books, which is surprising considering how much I love words.
I never cry when reading fanfiction.
Except for when I get to the poem in Executor. See and now, I'm all teary just thinking about it. It's one of those things where I know it's coming and I don't want the pain, but it's a kind of good pain even though it hurts, so I just sort of skip through to get right to getting my heart ripped out.
I never cry when reading fanfiction.
Man, I cry far too easily. It's a bad thing, I think, in many ways. Anyway, I totally have been reduced to tears by pieces of fanfiction - particularly in SV, with the whole epic tragedy stuff. Grail's t frantically tries to remember the damn title story about The Big Breakup tore out my still-beating heart and stamped on it.
Re: e-books at shoesforindustry (where AJ Hall's stories live)
Subject: A.J. Hall ebooks problems and solutions...We realise some people are having problems with our site and with ebook downloads. We hope the following will help clarify matters.
There are 4 ebooks by A.J. Hall currently available on the shoes for industry web site, to read on-line. They are available directly at the following url's
Queer As Scent - Coming Boxing Day 2002 [link]
The Mark Of The Beast [link]
Time Shall Not Mend [link]
Lust Over Pendle [link]
These sites also contains links to our main ebooks page which is: [link]
From our main ebook page you can jump to the above sites AND you can also download the ebooks in Microsoft's 'ebook' Format. To be able to read these downloaded ebooks you will need Microsoft Reader, this is available free from Microsoft at: [link] for Windows and for Pocket PC devices. Currently we do not supply our ebooks in any other format but we are open to suggestions.
Some users have experienced problems downloading these ebooks using Netscape's browser and also the Pocket PC Internet browser. We are aware of the problems and we know the solution, however, we are in 'negotiations' with our ISP to fix this. Until then I'm afraid you'll have to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 and above to download these ebooks. We are very sorry, but this is beyond our control. If we cannot resolve this with our ISP then we will move ISP's!
To browse the 'read-on line' web sites above you will require a browser with CSS support and JavaScript (1.2 or above) enabled - otherwise the formatting may be off or the menus will not display.
The main shoes for industry site does, however, degrade well into text and can be used to download these ebooks. We also have a Pocket PC site (largely text based) at [link] and an AvantGo/Mazingo feed whose base address is: [link] To learn how to use our AvantGo/Mazingo Feed please goto: [link]
For more information on differing browsers and using our site please goto: [link]
We hope this helps, if all else fails, email us at: ebooks@shoesforindustry.net. The ebooks are definitely worth it!
Russ managing consultant shoes for industry [link]
Oh, I cry at movies and very easily at tv. Or when I'm watching a video or dvd. I sobbed my way through The Body.
But somehow print doesn't effect me that way. I can count on one hand the number of stories that have moved me to tears.
Hmm. Trying to remember fanfic stories that made me cry. Coming up short.
To be able to read these downloaded ebooks you will need Microsoft Reader
Jilli wipes away a tear
That was SUCH a great team to work for. I loved that team. Huh, I should install Reader on my new work 'puter and download LoP.
Yes, Jilli. Yes, you should.
(flicks through Virtual Kitchenware Catalogue. Wonders how many converts it takes to win the Virtual Nigella Lawson.)
Incidentally - which part of the UK is Mr VoiceOfReason from originally? Because it'll be extra fun to read if it features areas you've visited with him.
This is going to lead to me bringing in my pocket PC, hooking it up, and transfering the eBook of LoP to it, isn't it?
Mr VoiceOfReason is from all over - he was born in Portsmouth, and spent "18 years of tedium" in Wales. His folks still live in Wales, in Llantwit Major. On our trips Back Home we've gone all over. (Planning the first trip - "Where do you want to visit Jilli?" "Ashdown Forest." "What?" "It's where the Winnie the Pooh books take place. Poohsticks bridge is there, and Clovis and I have to visit it." "Riiiiiight.")
This is going to lead to me bringing in my pocket PC, hooking it up, and transfering the eBook of LoP to it, isn't it?
Yes Jilli. Yes it is. Because you are a person of such fabulousness that random people in my real life have heard about you and Clovis, and you need to read Lust Over Pendle, because it is as fabulous as you are. What it lacks in Clovis, it makes up for in Neville's granny.