I'm looking forward to TTT for rather different reasons to last year FotR, because between then and now I have discovered on-line slash.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
But I've also written erotic stories in which powerplay and consent are key.
When I was reading FearlessDiva's comments on her Harry/Draco alleyway scene in ToS, I was going yes, yes throughout. That's exactly what I had wanted to do with the Claire story. Kinda failed, but that doesn't matter. She articulated every very well.
Who's Soon Yi?
Who's Soon Yi?
OK, I know I'm going to mess up some details here, but anyway. Soon Yi Previn was (well, is) the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow. For awhile, when Soon Yi was a preteen or teenager, Woody Allen and Mia Farrow were married. The two of them had a few kids together (I can't remember whether the kids were adopted or their biological kids, but I guess it doesn't really matter.) When Soon Yi was (I want to say 19, but I'm not really sure), it was discovered that she and Woody Allen were having an affair. They are now married and have a baby.
The thing about my Hobbits Don't have Sex! Thing isn't that I find them childlike. I don't think they are childlike at all. It's an entirely different thing at all. It's that no matter how many times I see pictures of the cast of the movie or see the movie in my head I still have the images of the Hobbits as I envisioned them when I read the books. And the Hobbits in my head are very sexless creatures and I just can't reconcile the movie version and the in my head version. So there's just no sex for the Hobbits.
It's a personal mental block and y'all can sex up the Hobbits all you want. I just can't see it. Also I see elves as being rather cold and unemotional (sorry) so I don't see them really having sex. So it's a personal issue.
As to underage sex. I'm fine with teenagers have sex with teenagers. 15 yrs old having sex with other 15yrs old (or the appx same age) I'm fine with that. I don't get people squicky over teenagers have sex with other teenagers. Now if you are talking about Harry and Snape, that I can understand that's kind of weird and icky. Although I did read a Harry/Snape story I liked.
I'm fine with Clark and Lex because Clark is an alien and who knows how old he really is. But I'd be less fine with Lana/Lex or Chloe/Lex because of there is an age difference.
Xander/Giles, Buffy/Giles, Willow/Giles all have the same psuedo parental figure squick. Although oddly I don't think I'd have the same problem with Cordy/Giles, probably because Cordy didn't rely on Giles so much. Connor/Cordy is just wrong on so many levels.
Connor/Cordy is just wrong on so many levels.
Heh. Yes, it is. But I just get a frisson of naughtiness wrt this pairing, rather than a sense that there's any genuine abuse of power involved. 'Cause in terms of incestiness, to all intents and purposes EVERYONE other than the late Holtz is a stranger to Connor with no pre-existing familial associations or position of power over him. Including Angel. Holtz/Connor, that would have given me an incesty sense of squick despite the fact that there's no genetic connection. And in terms of abuse - well, he's not quite Clark Kent levels of invulnerable, but the kid's pretty damned powerful, despite looking deceptively like a fey feral Peter Pan. So I'm cool with him getting jiggy with most anyone, actually.
Special Hell. For Special people.
Special Hell. For Special people.
Should be the next t-shirt slogan.
Xander/Giles, Buffy/Giles, Willow/Giles all have the same psuedo parental figure squick.
I can't get into Buffy/Giles and Willow/Giles because it just seems out of character for them, to me. There's a Giles voice in the back of my head that says, "I really don't think so!" And Xander/Giles is a real leap, even for my slash-friendly heart. But it's less of one, because the canonical non-sexual closeness that's at the heart of the Buffy/Giles and Willow/Giles relationships isn't there. The sense of relatively greater emotional distance between the fellas makes it possible in my mind, if that makes any sense. Which it barely does even to me.
Wrod, Fay, re. Connor/Cordelia. And wrod, Callie; but, you know, once I actually *saw*, rather than just read the script for, a particular couple of S2 (post-Jenny's death) episodes, I was amazed and frankly a little freaked by the very strong Willow/Giles vibe. There was chemistry, I believe, of a strong Wrong but Right nature (see, though, one of the reasons I was freaked was that I don't see Giles as hot at all-- and I'm not able to empathise with or understand the motivations for either party, even after really thinking about it; which really shows, I think, how much it was being pushed on screen). (Then again this could have just been me projecting; I'm not saying AH and ASH were planning something. I just saw it. Strongly. Even though I didn't want to.)
I'm fine with Clark and Lex because Clark is an alien and who knows how old he really is. But I'd be less fine with Lana/Lex or Chloe/Lex because of there is an age difference.
Pshh. I've reconciled all my age-squicks for the Smallville universe, because, goddamn, if I've got to care about the characters as people with all the attendant people-weaknesses and people-age, I've got to first *see* them as people, and not just plastic cutout characters in a silly plastic universe.
I do have to admit I've pretty much gotten away from SV entirely. The whole Clark's fake Mommy episode had me shaking my head in frustration and when, at the sight of Lex tied up my first thought was "oh. again. gee." I realized that I probably should stop watching. I want to like it but I just get frustrated.
Much like Andromeda. Why did Sorbo have to kill a show I liked?? Damn him!
Speaking of Andromeda...does anyone know where I can find Harper/Tyr fic? Most of what I can find is Hunt centric.