That Betty and Ronnie PWP reminds me of this bad Buffyfic which is just WP. No P.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Okay that first Archie one was really really disturbing. However I found THE MOST Disturbing Due South sex Story. Even more disturbing than the one I linked to earlier. I will NOT link to the newly discovered disturbing Due South story, my brain just can't handle it again.
Well, tell us about it ...
See, I didn't read the stories, I just passed along the link.
And, what ita said.
Trust me when I say you really don't want to know what the pairing was.
And the turtle?
It doesn't involve the dog, does it? Or a pillow?
Because I'm really sure that was a joke. Both of them.
Fine---Dief/RayK with Fraser interupting. And yes I'm sure it's a joke, but my mind just doesn't need the visual.