All hail FayJay, most glorious of fic facilitators.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Lord, yes, I know I've been stirred very much towards writing fic inside AU fics, or continuing stories, or writing fic for WOF, the enormous (excellent! wonderful! go read it!) original-fiction fantasy series written by Plaidder, who has explicitly expressed discomfort at the idea of reading WOF fic.
But I've resisted. I've restrained myself.
Which does not mean Fay should.
... Right now I'm sitting on the couch downstairs, and the door to the garage is wide open, and cold air is filling the room, because a sister went through it and never closed it. But I'd be so unhappy if I stood up and went to shut it, because I'm so cosy on the couch.
It snowed all day today.
I redefine "lazy bitch".
God, I've become one of those horrible fans who tells authors what to write. Argh.
What's WOF?
t perky salesgirl
Women on Fire is a fabulous, original-fic, bigass-LONG series by The Plaid Adder. Don't allow yourself to be alienated because of the silly name, or because you don't like fantasy, or because you don't think you'll like feminist fantasy. You know how hardass I am about sf/fantasy-- I really mean this. It's fucking good, it's really good, if I had to make a choice between watching Buffy and getting equal weekly installments of her latest novel I think I might chose WOF.
Right now it's comprised of a trilogy of three huge novels, Taken Child, Another Country, and Darkness Bright. Then there's a 400-page prequel, Better to Burn, which is gorgeous; a short story set, "For Two", that is one of the most moving things I've ever read and I don't say that lightly; and Plaidder is currently writing the latest novel, Third Term.
The writing starts off all right in TC and matures, as the books progress, to amazingly brilliantly well-done. The universe is fascinating. The mythology is excellent.
Have I burbled enough?
Oh-- Fay, insent re. yr HP fic site. Tell me what you think.
Since we've been all HP-centric lately, I have a rec.
Jedi Boadicea has a lot of solid work. Gen, set mostly in the HPverse's near future or distant past, with lovely characterizations, and a virtual fifth year that NEEDS TO BE FINISHED. I *really* like her "Reflections of Truth," in addition to the aforementioned fifth year.
Women on Fire is a fabulous, original-fic, bigass-LONG series by The Plaid Adder.
Sounds interesting
I seem to have slashed Fay. More silly than hot, I fear.
giggling madly.
It's wonderful! Platform 13.666 - inspired! What a terrific way to start the day!
dashes off to school, still giggling.