Popslash fandom?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I didn't know you had issue with LOP, Dana. You thought there wasn't enough smut, then?
In other news: Pop star/BtVS kinda-sorta crossover. But it's funny.
Lemme try to be coherent.
I thought Lust Over Pendle was great. Hysterical, quippy, great characters, and very very British. The kind of thing I could never write.
I agree with the people who've commented that it's only nominally set in HP fandom, and is basically almost an original story set in the HP world.
The slasher in me wanted to see more of the Neville/Draco relationship, because I'm a shipper at heart. I don't think this is a bad thing; what was shown of the relationship just made me really, really, really want the rest of it.
There were plot holes that confused me, like Draco cutting the locks of hair, and the fact that Neville's trauma was kind of dropped (although it's apparently getting picked up in the sequel), and the werewolf on the Manor grounds, which was kinda explained.
And whose ring was it that Granny's so pissed to have taken from her?
Utterly vague unless you've read that. I think.
edit: But I love, love, love it and I'm wondering if downloading the whole thing would make me read it so much I lose the love.
Yeah, that's another one.
Heh. While watching some Lawrence-Handy Andy ribbing on a recent Changing Rooms that TiVo was kind enough to grab for us, I commented to DH, "You know someone out there has slashed Lawrence and Andy. And there's probably a whole Andy/Anna saga."
DH googled for it and was miffed to find no Changing Rooms fanfic, but plenty of Trading Spaces. I hope I haven't created a monster with an offhand remark....
Is anyone else here doing Secret Slasha?
I just got my assignment, and it's Spike/Xander, and my premise will not be "Spike lives in Xander's closet." I'm saying it aloud so that I won't do it.
I just signed myself up to be slashed by the slashers. Heh.
Dude. Me too.
Isn't this cool?
Of course, I'm total anxiety, because I KNOW I'll fuck up my assignment, but.