Am I justified in taking the rest of the day off work so I can finish Lust over Pendle? Cause Draco just found out that Neville's in trouble and Granny Longbottom is out of the clink and gearing for some serious mayhem and I don't wanna answer the phone anymore.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I must confess, I did NO work AT ALL on the day that Lust over Pendle ate my brain. Couldn't stop reading it. Kept trying to resist. Kept failing. Neville's trouble is just heartbreaking, but then there's the heroism and derring do and - go on, keep reading!
But I have to work! I think. Maybe.
I stayed up all night reading Lust over Pendle.
"Wanted: one devious bastard who knows all the tricks and isn't going to cock up at the crucial moment because of any ill-timed scruples about using them."
What is the etiquette of using lines from the fic of someone I don't know as a tag line?
Edit: this is finished, right? I'm not going to get to the end and have a cliffhanger?
I wish you would all stop this. I'm so tempted to read Lust Over Pendle and Suela's XF fic. And I do not want new fandoms. I really, really don't.
Yep, it's finished. Eleven chapters and an epilogue. She's presently working on a sequel and a prequel.
There's also a (completely different) het/gen story about Remus Lupin and a rather gorgeous mid-war Original Character piece featuring Draco and heaps of symbolism.
Elena - go on, give in! You know you want to!
Sometimes I want things that aren't good for me. Like Spike.
Elena, it's after working hours. Indulge yourself.
I've got an hour to go of work. Fortunately it's slow time. Oh, god, poor Neville. Draco better kick some serious butt. Or let his mother--love Narcissa in the bar with Granny Longbottom!--and Granny do it.