Wrod, Nutty. And I say that as a writer of nothing more racy than PG-13 fic through my entire career. I expect I'd have been far more popular in XF if I had M & S making like bunnies as the world ended...
It's just... after a certain point, the smut begins to bore me. I've taken to skimming the obligatory erotica in long stories in order to get to the actual meat of it. There is such a thing as too much smut, and I know of more than one story that would have been great if the writer didn't feel obliged to insert an epilogue in which the characters finally got to do the dirty. ::sigh::
...and conversely, I've run across some very interesting sex scenes that would have been happier as intense PWPs rather than as interludes in longer stories.
I don't know -- I always sort of thought I was just wired wrong. When I want porn, I want full-on, get-down, gorilla fucking, with the barest minimum of engagement with my higher faculties. But most of the time, that's not really what I want from fanfic. I sort of tolerate it, more or less according to how well it's integrated into the larger psychological or plot-related events, but not often the thing I go out specifically seeking.
Like I said, wired wrong. Obviously, enough people are going out looking for and writing their own sexually explicit fanfic that it's the lion's share of what's published.
Hey, did you ever find any decent SG gen? I've been poking around, and God, there's a lot of dreck out there. (I mean, there's a lot of dreck everywhere, but I haven't tried just wading in blind in a while, and I'd forgotten.)
I can poke around if you wish. Stargate, yes?
I've been rewatching
Twin Peaks,
and I can hardly believe I'm asking this but...does anyone know of any good Cooper/Truman slash?
A good gen Stargate story that someone (I've forgotten who) linked to over on the Due South thread:
The Midas Syndrome
It CAN be done. I haven't read any other stories by the same author, so I don't know if there are more as good as this out there.
Unfortunately, I'm the person who linked to that. Rheanna's fabulous, and I've read all three of her SG stories - she pretty much fits my fanfic tastes to a T. Alas, she doesn't appear to be writing any more in either SG or Angel.
Like I said, wired wrong.
If it helps, I'm wired the same way. Part of why I don't read a heck of a lot of fanfic.
I can poke around if you wish. Stargate, yes?
Ooh, thanks! Yes.
Katie! I had kept the link but I knew going back over a couple hundred messages to find it would be more pain than I could handle.
I don't know of any, Angus, but I am laughing because I thought exactly the same thing when I rewatched last month!
Well, Sophia, I mean,
a classic slash pairing if ever there was one!
I must mention that now that I've started reading slash, I start looking for the slash in everything.
So where do I send the toaster?
OK, I've spent the last four days re-reading the entire HP series, and it's whetted my appetite. I'm not looking for anything wildly sexual, unless it's set many years in the future, and even then anything former student/former teacher would be a whole world of squick for me. I'd be interested in events within the timeframe of the existing canon from other characters' POV as well as futurefics
Read AJ Hall . Lust Over Pendle is novel-length, but it's to die for. PG13 futurefic, wonderfully plotty, with a large ensemble cast that concentrates on Draco/Neville (yes, I know, I can
your expression - trust me on this) but features Hermione, Narcissa and a host of characters both canonical and original. Read it. Then read it again and enjoy all the little details that passed you by the first time.
Also at Shoesforindustry is 'The Boys of Summer' by Susan Hall, which is thoroughly charming.
I'm very fond of Zahra's stories , although they're generally rather slashy.
I've not read all Liz Bair's stuff, but I've enjoyed what I
read. The Language that God Speaks is Hermione-centric genfic - it's a crossover with Gaiman's
but if you're not familiar with the latter then it should still read okay.
Then there's the remarkably silly but perfectly enjoyable Draco/Hermione piece Draco Malfoy the Amazing Bouncing...Rat? by Maya. Made me giggle lots, but cute Hermione/Dracoishness.