I hope the Die Hard sequel is good, though I don't expect that much. Regardless, that Chron review is a disaster. This sentence of synonymous adjectives is my favorite:
He has a caustic, unsentimental understanding of the character and presents us with a McClane who's a cynical difficult man, one whom the years have only made smarter, tougher and more calloused.
ETA: I guess if you think action movies started in the 1990s, tough action heroes must seem like a novelty. No one tell him about Han Solo!
And some of the summer blockbusters of yore may not have been actual good movies and so aren't talked about as much.
People talk about Star Wars all the time.
Finally saw Night Watch last night. Whew! After Hostel part II I don't think anything is going to seem terrbly violent anymore. And yes parts of it were rather cliche and there was just a teensy bit of ham-fistedness but wow! Visually stunning. Also it's wonderful for me to be able to watch a film where I am familiar with none of the actors. Even the wild fantasy elements seemed realistic to me when I was lost in the characterizations. Beautifully realized, beautifully acted. And it was fun to see someone watching Buffy in Russki.
Personally, I like to think I was the big summer blockbuster of 1976.
People talk about Star Wars all the time.
That's not what I meant. I meant all the summer movies that AREN'T
Star Wars.
The Deep Impacts and Volcanos of yore, which won't be talked about in thirty years.
I mean, wow.
I will admit, that even confused me.
People talk about Star Wars all the time.
I think he means that might be why he doesn't know of the blockbuster of say 1976.
Or I can just let P-C say what P-C meant and keep my not-P-C mouth shut.
That Olyphant guy creeps me out. His intensity lies on a frequency with which I do not resonate.
I totally get bon digging him, though.
I think in order to be considered a blockbuster you need to actually make money so that leaves Volacano out. Deep Impact's returns were less than 2:1.