Huh. From what I remember of the book, I don't know if Rachel Weisz is a good fit or not, but I like her, so this sounds promising.
Rachel won me over to her side with her brilliance in
The Constant Gardener
making me like a character I hadn't in a book I did.
I am terribly curious about PJ's future projects, especially the less fantastic (I can see how he could be terribly wrong for this). I just hated this book.
Rachel is skipping the next Mummy installment. It will be weird to see someone else play Evie.
They're going to recast? Not write the character out?
Maria Bello is taking over the role. Weird, huh?
Yes indeedy.
I loved the first
and thought
The Mummy Returns
was good escapist fun, if not up to the level of the first movie.
I can see the resemblance between Bello and Weiss.
Crap. Owen just saw a trailer for Ratatouille and said, "I want to watch Ratatouille, Mommy." How do you explain release dates to a 3 year old? We've got two weeks to go.
How do you explain release dates to a 3 year old?
"I know sweetie, I want to watch it too. We have to wait until it's ready. Would you like to see surfing penguins now or have a snack?"