Zenkitty, that is apparently true. I have a friend who's a big Pirates fan, and she said the writers gave an interview to that effect. Apparently
they based the story on the opera of the Flying Dutchman.
So it was
the fact that Calypso didn't show up to meet Davy Jones after ten years that doomed him to staying on the sea forever.
It definitely
wasn't clear in the context of the movie, and changes my interpretation of it. Of course, I didn't see the happy reunion scene after the credits either.
After reading a lot of meh about it, saw PotC3 yesterday and was pleasantly suprised at how much I liked it.
Honestly? I think my lack of enjoyment for 2 was, in addition to rolling my eyes at over-the-top tributes to King Kong, the absence of Geoffrey Rush. Damn, that man makes Barbosa more fun than any pirate since Capt. Jack Sparrow. And now? I want to run out and see everything Naomie Harris has ever done.
She played the kick-ass pharmacist in
28 Days Later,
Rush's appearance was by far the most electifying moment in P2. I'm still planning to get to P3.
Boy, those 28 Days Later people missed the real dramatic opportunity: [link]
I'm pretty much with ita. I think that
1. The first movie was not a blockbuster. I'm not even sure "cult hit" is accurate.
2. Again: four years between movies.
3. It had a title that doesn't exactly alert people that it's a sequel. Which may have been intentional, all things considered.
And yeah, the only people who would care about production credits are already patrolling AICN or reading Fangoria or whatever. You really don't need to make an effort to keep them informed.
Oh my god I have been saying that about zombie animals for YEARS. Seriously. Ryan North has been eavesdropping on my conversations and totally ripped me off for his comic. That bastard!
...Except instead of going to insects, I usually argued in favor of zombified versions of domesticated animals. Zombie horses! Zombie cows! Zombie sheep, going "Baaaaah-rains!"
I want to run out and see everything Naomie Harris has ever done.
She was in an adaptation of Zadie Smith's
White Teeth
that I saw on TV a few years ago, but now I can't find a region 1 DVD anywhere. But if you ever manage to track it down, I loved it, and Naomie Harris was fantastic in it.
Zombie sheep, going "Baaaaah-rains!"
You haven't seen the trailer for BLACK SHEEP yet, have you?
Sadly, no. But I'm certainly aware of it!