So, we're watching
on cable this afternoon, and even though I've long been a fan of the film, I'm astounded at how well it holds up after 32 years.
Also, Robert Shaw's monologue about the Indianapolis remains one of the all time great movie monologues.
It's true about Jaws. And about Shaw's monologue. Jaws is, what? the fourth most quoted movie?
I just watched it again recently, and yeah. It seemed like a throwaway when it came out, but it's a solid flick.
HMG I finally saw HOT FUZZ last night and it is made of AWSOME!!!
ita's shame is similar to my own as it reminded me how horribly familiar I am with
So many references. Aside from the obvious
one, they also totally did the
foot chase scene,
TWICE! Also, loved how the constant references to
paid off in the
Pub shoot-out.
Didn't recognize a ton of the actors that I recognized the names of, most shamefully Edward Woodward.
I saw it with the perfect audience at the perfect theater in my home town. It's a tiny independent I've been going to since grade school (under prior ownership, where they used to do two differnt films a day, and the films changed twice a week, I saw things as diverse as SUSPIRIA, ALTERED STATES, CHOOSE ME, DARK STAR, SMALL CHANGE - the list goes on and on - but they are still getting mostly the art house movies; in a weird way, I think HOT FUZZ fits that bill), and they've pulled out the first several rows of theater seats and put in couches (they also have a piano at the front so they can do live-music accompanied silent movies).
I saw it with the perfect audience
Does this mean they got the Chinatown reference?
I just watched
Mean Streets.
What the fuck was the point of all that? Some stuff happened, some people got shot, and none of it was all that interesting. Not my kind of movie, I guess.
Does this mean they got the
There were definite chuckles a half beat after the line, and not just from me. Since there wasn't anything else funny going on at that exact moment, I'm going with "yes".
We saw PotC3 last night. Very oddly for the middle of an urban area on what I would consider a weekend night, there were only fifteen people in the audience (I won a bet). Bob and I liked PotC2-- we saw it twice in the theatres. But this is what Bob said at the end of PotC3: "I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand, it was terrible. On the other hand, I had so little idea what people were thinking, what their motivations were, and what was supposed to be happening at any one time that maybe it was great." And I pretty much agreed.
It's been about 40% slower than we predicted this weekend. I really thought Pirates was going to kick Spidey's ass but maybe there's too much else going on this weekend. I bet it will hold a lot better than Spidey did... but I've been wrong before.
Pirates... Long. Any movie which makes me think about my lunch, not doing so well.
The director of that voted for Serenity at the Edinburgh Film Festival audience awards: true. Tsotsi took the audience award.
Don't know if it's opened in the states yet, but 28 Weeks Later is excellent. It's the sequel to 28 Days Later, the British zombie film from a few years back. I went into it completely blind (hadn't seen any publicity) and it helped.