Finally saw
Hot Fuzz.
Oh, I barked with laughter--Jess, I don't know if I was the only one in the theatre that got the ref you mentioned, but I think I was the only one that cared.
First and foremost, though, I'm appalled by how well I remember
Bad Boys
and how much I want to see it again.
Still, clever and fun.
I can attest that Hot Fuzz is even better the second time. I'll let you know about the third.
Jess, I don't know if I was the only one in the theatre that got the ref you mentioned, but I think I was the only one that cared.
Ha! Then my work here is done.
Thanks so much Laga.
Actually, at that moment in the film when they are in that place doing that thing, I turned to my companion and described exactly what you described. Either I'm psychic, or that was wicked predictable!
Oh well, nothing will rival the monkey jumping out of the screen at the end of the first one.
If you haven't seen the interview with Rush, Nighy and Chow at moviefonedotcom, I highly recommend it. I'd love to have a dinner party with Rush and Nighy. They seem like such charming, erudite, courtly gentlemen.
A friend just worked as Nighy's dresser in the recent Broadway show he did with Julianne Moore and reports he was kind and charming and incredibly funny.
That is my sense of him. Nice to have it confirmed.
Oh, Beej, yay re the whitefont you mentioned from
Under The Black Flag!
Not that I've read it, but I did know about the whitefont from other pirate historians, and I'd been hoping like a mad thing that the whitefont would be part of the movie.
I don't suppose there's any chance that
either Ann Bonney or Mary Reade puts in an appearance
? NO! Never mind! Don't spoil me!
Dear Loward, I am gonna be such an uncritical brainless mess of squealing fangurl when I see this thing. I can't think of anything that will ruin this movie for my poor addled self, short of (maybe) everyone bursting into movie-musical song. And even then it'd depend on the song. "Greased Lightning" would kill it for me. Anything from
South Pacific
or possibly "The Sadder But Wiser Girl" from
The Music Man
would just make me squee even harder. And if they wanted to bust out with a chorus of "The Good Ship Venus" (far too filthy to be a movie-musical number, but it was included on the POTC tribute sea shanty album last year) I might just ascend bodily into heaven.
Can someone remind me what Jessica said about Hot Fuzz? I can't seem to find it.
ION watched
Hard Candy
last night. I think one of the things I loved the most about it was that I had no idea what it was going to be about so every plot twist was a complete surprise. (OK I saw a couple things coming but mostly it was a dizzying ride.)
I am watching
10 things I hate about you.
Why did I forget how much I love this movie? I think I need to own it, like now.
I think I've seen 10 Things a multiple of 3 times 10. Love.
JZ, I KNOW huh?!
You really must read Under the Black Flag as soon as is possible given baby wrangling. Not only is it packed, packed, PACKED with stuff I didn't know, but the writing style is truly enjoyable.
Squee away my little squeeterpea. I hope you have a blast when you get a chance to see the movie.