I'd seen someone on Ellis's boards saying that it was still very funny, but less... I dunno, finely-detailed?... than Shaun.
Oh, I disagree. It's drawing on less geeky source material, but it's still just as sharp. I think I probably got more of the background reference jokes in Shaun, but only because zombies and video games are more familiar to me than buddy cop movies. (And it's not all ungeeky -- there may or may not be a BtVS fandom reference. DH is going to ask them about it at the junket, if he winds up going, because I really want to know if I'm right.)
Cate Blanchett and Peter Jackson both make hilarious uncredited cameos. Cate's is much easier to spot, since she has lines (though you never see her face). PJ is only onscreen for a split second.
I imagine Peter Jackson loved Shaun of the Dead!
No, it was... um. I should probably just find the post but my brain is all full right now. I'll look tomorrow. What I recall is, he was saying that
had all those self-referential gags that you only appreciate on seeing the movie a second (or whatever-ith) time -- like the gaming at the beginning that parallels the zombie shoot-em-up near the end. Man, I have no idea if that makes sense outside my head. But it was stuff like that he was missing -- that it didn't have as much re-watch-ability, I guess.
I'll look for the post tomorrow, since I feel bad about repeating vague impressions from months ago that I may have misunderstood or misremembered. Although, isn't that what the internet is for?
Dan Savage's review of 300: [link]
I've always been partial to Dan Aykroyd as Nite Owl
This is so perfect.
Of course, my knee-jerk reaction to any casting game these days is "Jim Carrey."
Jim Carrey as Ozymandius. Jim Carrey as The Comedian. Jim Carrey as Silk Stalking (or whatever her name was).
Just watched
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Not sure what I think. For one thing, with that title, I expected it to be James Bond parody.
But it was stuff like that he was missing -- that it didn't have as much re-watch-ability, I guess.
Only one way to test that theory - see it again!
I'm watching the trailer for Slow Burn, and all I can think is Jolene Blalock? Black? Did they run out of Negresses in Hollywood? Then, at some point in the trailer it seems her blackness may be under question, but still...
Did you guys know that Travolta is playing Divine's role in Hairspray, the remake?
They had a picture of him dancing in full Mrs. Turnblatt regalia in Entertianment Weekly a few months ago--completely unrecognizable!
That Wicker Man highlight reel was great and all, but sometimes don't you just want to see more of the NOT THE BEES part? Sure you do.