Psst! Corwood, you forgot the irrelevant swear words and racial insensitivity
-Asstits! Mugwumps! Penis!, he thought. Then he realized that he could blame this on the Jews and Negroes. -Time to sniff some panties, he thought. -White men love panties.
-Asstits! Mugwumps! Penis!, he thought. Then he realized that he could blame this on the Jews and Negroes. -Time to sniff some panties, he thought. -White men love panties.
James Ellroy characters read William Burroughs? Huh.
I saw that. "Murder by the Book", I think, on CourtTV. Not only was Ellroy's references to his mom Skeevy As Skeevy Can Be, but he sorta came across as a pompous jerkoff.
Yes, exactly. It's fine when I can get his actual voice out of my head, but sometimes you can't.
James Ellroy characters read William Burroughs? Huh.
They actually wouldn't have anything to do with mincing pansies like Burroughs unless they're stereotypical mincing pansies themselves. I'm just terrible at writing bad cursing.
I'm just terrible at writing bad cursing.
Too much DEADWOOD, I fear. Once you've heard the apothesis of swear(ingen)ing, it's hard to go back.
Truer motherfucking words, Frank...
Looks like a Bronze production, sumi. [link]
And I am cracking up that Allyson is the first friend listed!