I had dinner with this guy [link] last night. He is here from WETA, working on the new Jim Cameron film with our friend Andy and came along to dinner and the movies with us.
Last week, I had told Andy that I was kinda looking forward to watching the whole Rings trilogy again while i was recovering form my surgery, and right after we met John, he told me the had warned John about my fangirl tendendcies. John said it was six years of his life and he was very proud and would never get tired of talking abnout it. I didn't grill him or anything, although I heard one good story. A lot of the techs were called upon to dress in costume during post-production so they could be digitally inserted to cover, um, mistakes. For example, one of the Orcs write his name on his helmet right before the shot, so his mother could find him in the battle scene. Hee.
I had told Andy that I was kinda looking forward to watching the whole Rings trilogy again while i was recovering form my surgery
Emmett's been bugging me to have a Rings marathon. Maybe we'll drop by. We'll bring salty snacks!
Oscar WnP is in Natter, then?
I've been working, and wanted to see instant results.
Sean, IMDb splashes the results on the front page.
I was pretty pleased with the winners.
Little Miss Sunshine
got 2,
Pan's Labyrinth
got 3,
The Departed
got 4. I wish
Pan's Labyrinth
had won Best Foreign Film, but
The Lives of Others
looked really good and was the only one I could see it losing to.
I'm so deleriously happy for Marty.
I didn't think tonight was going to be his night, either. Frankly, I was beginning to think that snubbing Marty was the Academy's favorite hobby. I was so sure they were going to screw him again, I put $5 on it. Oh well. Glad it was only $5. (Shoulda put lots of cash on Forrest Whittaker and Helen Mirren)
I was sure that Marty's first Oscar would be Irv Thalberg's head five years from now. Though on that subject, WTF, do they not give out Irv's head any more. It's just "Honorary Oscar" now, and they get an Oscar statue.
Also, I'm so very chuffed that we now get to refer to Mr. Gore as the Academy Award winning former Vice President Al Gore.
Officially, I don't think Gore has an Oscar, though.
Hmm. Yes indeed. He is technically not an Academy Award winner.
Though "Star of the Academy Award winning film,
An Inconvenient Truth,
doesn't look bad on a resume either.
[moved from Natter b/c the WiP is over]
Does anyone know what was up with the matching sparkly earrings on everyone this year? Were they in the gift bag, or are they for charity, or did everyone just go to the same jeweler?
There was a definite bodice problem this year -- nearly everyone's boobs were smushed down in a very unflattering way.
Lives of Others was a HUGE upset! But I can't be mad -- Labyrinth won everything else it was up for, and Lives is an amazing, brilliant movie. Hopefully winning the Oscar will put it in more theatres, because it's a harder movie to sell (the trailer is just awful), but EVERYONE needs to go see it. I need to go see it again.
I was so happy for Marty to finally win Best Director. The Departed is way too long and not even remotely one of his most interesting projects, but it's a good film, and he has an Oscar now.
The Inconvenient Truth sweep also pleased me immensely -- it won everything it was up for! Both things! Leo's fanboy drooling over Al Gore = Teh Most Adorable Thing EVAR.
[eta: Oh, and West Bank Story SUCKED. It was a cute idea, but they didn't follow it through -- hell, they gave it a happier ending than the musical they were parodying! Eramos Pocos should have won that one, hands down.]