Wikipedia has a quick entry on the consortium of interest which bought up street car lines and ripped them out. GM, Standard Oil, Goodyear...
I'm flipping through the Fall 2006 FLM Magazine ("The Voice of Independent Film") and realize that I missed two movies that I was really interested in.
The first was the French movie
which was animated with motion capture like
A Scanner Darkly
and is a b/w Bladerunner type movie set in Future Paris. I wanna see that!
The other is a musical titled
20 Centimenters
by Salazar that looked really loopy and fun.
Anybody seen these?
Oh, I remember seeing the trailer for
! It looked awesome. I think I read that the look was more awesome than the movie, though.
I haven't seen either, but I've heard very mixed reviews of 20 Centimeters.
The first was the French movie Renaissance which was animated with motion capture like A Scanner Darkly and is a b/w Bladerunner type movie set in Future Paris.
Anybody seen these?
Yep. It doesn't actually look anything like Scanner, even though both animation processes involved motion-capture and rotoscoping. It's kind of a narrative mess, but I really enjoyed it anyway just for the visuals, which are stunning. Not just the animation, but the visualization of futuristic Paris.
I saw
Because I Said So
this weekend. For those who like throwaway fluff, it was a nice sappy screwball romance. Diane Keaton chews the scenery in more than one scene and I started closing my eyes for those, wish I'd had earplugs, too. The fun was the CFerg sighting. I squealed a little.
I...I'm afraid to watch it. I feel like a bad friend, but I was going to wait until I could rent it.
Hee. My daughter and I thought we'd do a mother/daughter bonding thing over it. Eh, NSM. I wanted to smack the shit out of Diane Keaton and Alexia was all, but she's involved with her daughter's life! I wager if I was like that she'd be running for the hills. Yeah, I'd wait until it comes out on DVD. We went to the early-early showing so it was only $4, about the cost of renting it.
I think I might be starting to look forward to Prince Caspian a bit more than I thought I would.
Ooh, pretty! Though I still mentally compared him to Samuel West, who really did a wonderful job as Caspian and was also very pretty. Or at least my mental block for anything negative about the BBC films makes me recall him as wonderful; I freely admit I'm kind of irrationally defensive of that version. Still, looking forward to it.