I saw a trailer for that at my viewing of Children of Men and thought it looked very good
I saw the trailer before CURSE. It did look intriguing.
Of course, since the play the film is based on takes place in the 1930's, he technically could have chosen a less garish time period to reset it in, but then he wouldn't have had an excuse to put Gong Li in a pushup bra
And seriously, after HERO (I havn't seen HoFD yet but it sounded similarly OTT) it was definitely the oppulance he wanted revel in. Gong Li's cleavage was just a gift with purchase IMHO, albeit a very lovely one.
I saw a trailer for that at my viewing of Children of Men and thought it looked very good -- and was also surprised to see/hear that there was Actual German Dialogue with Subtitles. It's rare that a trailer for a foreign film includes any dialogue at all.
Same here. It did look pretty good.
What's really wonderful about the film is how personal and specific the story is
This is what I loved about
The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
Oh man, for a brief frightening moment I looked at a print ad for Epic Movie and thought I was going to have to subject myself to it based on a photo of a cast member that looked like David Nykl: [link]
Turns out it's just Kevin McDonald done up as Harry Potter. Whew!
Epic Movie
is one of a sort who thinks imitating a movie is the same as making a joke about it. The guys who had to screen it last night assure me there are no jokes in it. Luckily I got to screen the new print we got of
The Departed
since its many Oscar nominatioins. My mind is still kinda sore from all the blowing.
My mind is still kinda sore from all the blowing.
You must be doing SOMETHING wrong then.
ba dum bump
Thank you! Thank you! You've been great! I'm here all veal. Try the week.
Whoohoo! Katie Holmes is OUT of the Batman Begins sequel.
I am still bitter that movie is not being called
Batman Comes to a Middle.
It's also being reported in Variety that Holmes is officially out of the sequel to "Batman Begins." The trade paper says that Holmes "dropped out," while other Internet sources are suggesting that Holmes' character, attorney and love interest Rachel Dawes, is in the "Dark Knight" script, but that the role is being recast.
Didn't the movie's producers publicly say a year ago that she wouldn't be reprising her role? Like, right after she blew off a chance to promote the movie at its premiere to squee about marrying Maverick instead?