Particularly when CG movies are trying harder and hard to look convincingly 3D, which of course the stop-motion ones have in spades.
Flushed Away
(which Emmett and I enjoyed) was a CG movie done by Aardman to look like a Wallace and Gromit-ish movie.
When I go visit Alabama, I come back sounding pretty country, but generally I have a mild drawl at best. Since many of the newscasters where I grew up didn't have the Newscaster Accent, it still sounds like an accent rather than normalized English to me.
Flushed Away (which Emmett and I enjoyed) was a CG movie done by Aardman to look like a Wallace and Gromit-ish movie.
I heard (a link here, I think) the main reason they went CG with that was because there was so much water in the story, and emulating water is one of the things that stop motion has a serious problem with.
I really don't like stop-motion. From Gumby to Grommit. Sorry.
I really don't like stop-motion. From Gumby to Grommit. Sorry.
Does the medium itself bug you, Bev?
Me, I'm voting that a traumatic
Davey & Goliath
experience warped her for life.
Me, I'm voting that a traumatic Davey & Goliath experience warped her for life.
I was gonna go with the original KING KONG myself.
Sundance has shown a movie that the two Chicago Tribune movie reviewers actually liked, an Irish musical called Once. From their description, I hope it gets picked up for U.S. distribution, because I'd definitely go see it.
(Now, I'm off to IMDB to see who Glen Hansard played in The Commitments...)
ETA: OK, looked it up--which one of the guitar players was Outspan Foster? Was he the cute one with the reddish curly hair, or the rather dorky dark-haired one?
Foster was the guitar player, therefore the one with the red hair. The dark-haired one, Derek, played bass.
I've watched that movie way too many times. I didn't even have to IMDB for that.
Yes, it's the medium itself. And it probably was early monster movies that contributed, but I remember being freaked by Gumby and Pokey and Davey and Goliath.
I enjoyed Chicken Run, but I mostly "watched" with my eyes shut. I'm a freak, I know.