Golden Globes over. My movie of choice (Pan's Labyrinth) did not win the Best Drama award. Of course, it wasn't nominated, so that wasn't too surprising. I WAS surprised to see that no Clint Eastwood movie was nominated for Best Drama, even though he made two - I thought that was illegal for US film awards - but then I saw that Letters From Iwo Jima is under best foreign-language film. Naturally. Because they always have to pair the Eastwood flicks against movies I strongly want to win things. (I haven't seen Letters and it may very well be fantastic, but I heartily dislked both Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby so I'm not holding my breath.)
Does anybody else think it's silly that Musicals are paired with Comedies by default? I mean, sure, Singin' in the Rain belonged with the comedies (if they had Golden Globes back then), and Chicago probably did as well. But Ray? Walk the Line? Dreamgirls? Last I checked, these were pretty dramatic. Seems unfair to pit them with the Little Miss Sunshines and Borats, thus basically removing the one big-name award comedies ever have a real shot at. (Though Ray didn't win, apparently, so perhaps my argument is less water-holdy than I thought, Sideways definitely falling under "comedy" in my head)
Of course, I'm still wondering why Lost in Translation was in the Comedy/Musical category all those years ago, so what do I know?