Okay for some reason, until watching the new trailer moments ago, I did not know the new TMNT movie was all animated. I thought it was going to be a Rodger Rabbit half and half thing again, and I just. was. not. interested.
Knowing it's all animated? I now want it more than almost anything I've ever wanted.
Yay someone else saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang isn't it swell? I finally admitted that Val Kilmer can act after that one.
pretty much what Hec said. i've loved Kilmer since Real Genius.
And I watched it twice in a row too. Much to see. Lots of detail and thrown away lines that get gleaned on rewatch.
exactly, Beej! plus i had to share the funny with my parents. i could seriously sit down and watch it again tonight. so fucking funny.
The Saint!
I liked The Saint too. in all its cheesiness. and floppiness.
(For those of you as likes it, there was some *amazing* KKBB fic from Yuletide this year.)
where might one find this?
(Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is supposed to be very fun, though.)
you haven't seen it? you definitely should.
Did nobody see Willow? I was all swoony over Madmartigan
oh my god! i freaking love him as Madmartigan. "i stole the baby from you while you were taking a pee pee!!"
I did not know the new TMNT movie was all animated.
supposedly SMG is doing the voice of April.
Supposedly Mako as the voice of Splinter. Awesome!
So much love for both Willow and The Saint. Val's a cutie. I need to watch Tombstone, though. (All the way straight through, that is.)
Supposedly Mako as the voice of Splinter. Awesome!
Has this been in production for a really long time? Because he died a couple of months ago.
According to the FAQ on IMDb (for what that's worth), Mako recorded the voice parts before his death. Certainly possible with the production lag time on animation.
Ah, man, they just ran The Sand Pebbles a few weeks ago on Encore, and I almost watched. It was late, though, and the TiFaux was full, and it's a loooong movie. Still, the first thing I ever saw Mako in, and he was wonderful.
Huh. Didn't even realize there was a new TMNT movie coming out.
Bwah! Apparently in France, "March of the Penguins" was named "March of the Emperor" leading to this little gem of a commercial: [link]
Bwahahahaha! I love the French.
Val Kilmer can definitely act, Juilliard education and all. I think he tends to be a work with, though. I remember reading something about how the first director on
The Island of Dr. Moreau
went barking mad as a result of working with Kilmer and went haring off into the outback, not to be seen for months.
That may have been the combination of working with Kilmer AND Brando, though.