Back to P&P:
BTW, Emma Thompson did an uncredited rewrite of the movie, and I believe Charlotte's "I never was romantic" line is hers.
It's Austen's
I pulled my copy and from page 146:
Charlotte: "I'm not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home--considering Mr. Collins's character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast in the marriage state."
t /nitpicky
Charlotte: "I'm not romantic, you know; I never was.
Thanks for looking that up, Cash -- I meant to check at the time, but something shiny must have crossed my field of vision.
I love Supes. He's just such a damn sweetie in current canon, but not without angst! He's like, noble and occasionally snarky!
And hot!
I mean, I don't think I really got any more out of seeing the movie itself than what I knew from the trailers.
P-C said this about
Children of Men,
but I saw
over the weekend and left saying exactly the same thing. (Should have listened to Jessica's warning!) And wow, was that a ponderous movie. There were things I liked about it (mostly the settings of the different stories; I like movies that take place in lots of different locations all over the world) but I was altogether underwhelmed by the whole thing. Also,
it was one of those movies where nearly every scene was fraught with horrible tension; I kept thinking, shit, the deaf Japanese girl is going to be raped! Shit, the police are going to beat that guy to death! Shit, those kids are gonna die! Shit, she's gonna jump off the balcony! Almost the whole second half of the movie was really difficult for me to watch, because there was almost no relief from that tension.
I just watched
The Wicker Man
(the Christopher Lee original) on New Year's Eve and have been wanting to talk about it, but I don't even know where to begin, save that it's silly they got a body double for Britt Eklund.
I have to say that the promos I've seen for the movie aren't bad.
In that picture, RZ looks a little like the woman who plays Calamity Jane on Deadwood.
I watched the Potter preview and thought, Huh, it's the crossgender version of Finding Neverland.
It looks almost exactly the same to me!
I liked Neverland and am thinking that Potter without Freddy Hugeeyes is just going to be a pale facsimile.