Oh, ouch.
I wish I didn't feel that way, if nothing else because it wreaks havoc my "girly" literary rep. I appreciated both Emma and P&P from a purely intellectual perspective, but I didn't get into them at all. There's some distance disconnecting me from the characters, big time. I haven't bothered to try any of her others, assuming it will be more of the same.
Of course, I can barely abide Austen's writing style and generally don't feel any emotional interest in her characters
It's...almost like English...
We saw ''The Good Shepherd'' last night. I really hated it.
I wouldn't say I hated it, but yeah -- total waste of an interesting premise and my 2.5 hours. (Though I did have to laugh at the irony of the main characters going to see a Chekhov play right in the middle of this complete narrative train wreck.)
My chief memory of the recent P&P (which I did not see) is a review in the New Yorker that vivdly explained to me why Keira Knightley's jawline is so familiar: she looks like the queen from
(That's got to be Anthony Lane. That whole review was hilarious.)
Oh jesus christ. Now I know why Keira Knightley freaks me out.
That's got to be Anthony Lane. That whole review was hilarious.
I love this line: "Jane Austen has been Brontëfied." And it's very true.
I actually liked this version quite a bit (that is, if you ignore the last few minutes). And I love Austen. Perhaps it's because I need to save all my energy and "How could they do that?!?" moments for historical works.
ETA: Happy New Year!!
(that is, if you ignore the last few minutes)
If you just
stop the film
after Lizzie leaves Mr. Bennet's office and the camera pans through the kitchen and out into the yard, that's when it ends in the non-US version. I saw the US ending (it was an extra on my DVD) and it made my hair curl. Otherwise I rather like this version as well, which I realised when I found that I could actually stand Keira Knightley in it. It's a lot more compact than the BBC Firth/Ehle version, but then it's only got 2 hours to tell the story instead of 6.
BTW, Emma Thompson did an uncredited rewrite of the movie, and I believe Charlotte's "I never was romantic" line is hers.
Was Miami Vice better in the theatres than on video? The shakey camera work, the muttered delivery and the accents all combined to make most of the detail in the whole thing incredibly murky. But it could have just bee our crap tv. Maybe it would have been better in high-def?
I think the film would have benefited by some small amount of exposition.
It was gorgeous in theatres, but I doubt it made any more sense. I do think it would look best (on video) on HD, in a very dark room, on a TV with a very high contrast ratio. (I really enjoyed it in theatres, but pretty much the only thing going for it was the cinematography.)
I think it was one of the new wave of films being filmed in HD with handhelds in fully digital format (rather than reels or tapes). Personally, I don't like the look of things shot in that (Colleral is another example).