Rottweiler lacked any "fun". It was bad, and not even in an entertaining way
I just recently read V (lets put the word vendetta in here, for searching purposes). I am looking forward to the movie. I'm glad that there is hope for the "me liking" I can think of some changes that would irritate me a lot, but I think they would likely have irritated you. There are a wicked lot of spoilers on the movie webstie, IMO
Is that a new cyber fashion accessory?
(Some typos are cooler than others. Yours rocked, DebetEsse!)
That makes me feel hopeful, because you liked H2G2 and then I did, too.
Very different from the book, and will probably draw the wrath of many purists
Different thematically or plot...ily? Because, story changes I can accept if the feel is right. The trailers thus far have made me alternate between "Well, they're making it clear that the hero is a terrorist, cool," and "But the baddies seem too Evil Overlord-y." So I worry that they're simplifying. I like grey.
I think the part where V and Evie, clad in shiny black PVC, expend about 7 million rounds of ammunition while tearing through the government offices to a techno soundtrack, is going to ROCK! But not as much as the V vs. Cromwell (the Big Bad, a cybernetic Margaret Thatcher) kung-fu flying extravaganza!
The sequel to Batman Begins could become an Australian affair
Well, maybe, but we should still have a pretty damned good showing for the British Isles, with Batman, Alfred and Jim Gordon. And possibly Paul Bettany.
waves Union Jack.
Just saw
King Kong
last night and I loved loved loved LOVED it. Lots. Physically jumped when I recognised Serkis (belatedly) as 'Lumpy'. Totally failed to recognise Jamie Bell. Still awash with oost for the most lickable Evan Parke, who held my attention in every frame he occupied, right from the get go. Mmm. I think he should be the next person to be discovered on
preferably shirtless.
also - saw that the other week. Rather more 'eh' about
Memoirs of a Geisha,
but it was pretty.
Brokeback Mountain
more than I can say. It broke me into tiny pieces.
I had a similar giggle at recognizing Serkis!
I didn't even know Bell was in the movie!
Different thematically or plot...ily?
Both, kind of. There's no good way to explain it without spoilers...
they've taken Moore's vision of WWII facism and moved it up in time to the present day. This is George W Bush's facist England, which I think was an incredibly strong choice to make, but it does necesitate some major tweaks to the look and feel of the world, not all of which are wholly successful.
Saw V. Liked it a lot.
It took me SO LONG to realize you didn't mean the mini-series about aliens.