Didn't George Carlin tell it in full at the beginning?
He told a bare-bones sample version, IIRC. The rest of the film was snippets of longer versions of the joke surrounded by (IMO) not very interesting commentary -- I wouldn't have called it analysis. I left feeling teased.
I wouldn't have called it analysis
It wasn't analysis of the joke, as far as I see it. It was (or afforded) analysis of the culture. Good times, good times.
I'm with ita; I was actually as interested in why people tell it, how they tell it, what nuances they find in it as I am in the actual joke. Having howevermany people that was tell the whole joke wouldn't have been nearly as compelling for me.
I was actually as interested in why people tell it, how they tell it, what nuances they find in it as I am in the actual joke.
I didn't feel like there was much of that in the film either -- it seemed to be mostly people agreeing that everyone has their own version, and that the joke isn't really that funny when you break it down. And if it was going to be that shallow and repetitive anyway, I'd rather have just heard the joke.
Can somebody Nilly me the link to the lj with historical reviews of "Sound of Music", "Alexander", "Braveheart", etc?
Okay, so Eight Below is really not a great movie, but OMG SURVIVAL DOGGIES! The human subplots were lame and boring, but the dogs made me cry. I'm such a giant sap sometimes.
Jess thanks for that info! My 9 year old wants to see that movie in the worst way. Now I'm thinking we need to wait until it's out on DVD since he and I both are big 'ol saps when it comes to stuff like that. We'll be all sniffly and he gets all embarrassed when he cries in the theater.
How many movies can Paul Walker be in within the space of a year?
I'm thinking clones. Might explain his "acting" abilities.