Do the titles Jaws 4: The Revenge and George of the Jungle ring any bells? Not that I know anything about The Quiet American, but neither actor is insurance against crapulosity.
I think I saw an interview where Michael Caine commented that he loved doing Jaws 4--or at least he loved the beach house that he bought with his paycheck.
The Quiet American is now in my Netflix queue.
I watched John Tucker Must Die last night. surprisingly? much better than i thought it was going to be. very funny in parts.
I just saw Idlewild, and was really disappointed. It was fine, but just... not great. The music wasn't that impressive, the story was kind of all over the place, just eh. I would say it's a cable watcher -- a perfectly fine way to spend a couple of hours, but not for $11.
I will say that both the person I was with and some of the other people in the theater liked it a lot more than I did.
Damn, I had hoped that it would be awesome.
I actually totally agree with the Times review: [link]
I hoped it would have been awesome, too.
I'm going tonight. Tickets are already bought.
clanking sound of gears turning as expectations are lowered
Oh, that sounds like it could have been a really good movie. It still may be enjoyable, at least for the music.
I think lowered expectations will be your friend, Robin.
The other thing I noticed was the "black" preview reel -- two movies set in Africa, two in prison, one with Denzel.
Too bad about Idlewild.
Just had a Very Canadian Movie Session w/M. Hard Core Logo and Men With Brooms. I quite liked HCL, and LOVED Men With Brooms. Just loved