Slate movie-name contest winners.
I think I sprained something trying not to laugh out loud at The Uplifting Retard. Who will they cast to follow in Tom Hanks' and Cuba Gooding Jr.'s footsteps?
Hey! Caroline Dhavernas is in that movie about the murder of George Reeves.
I'm watching Pulp Fiction on Bravo and am I crazy, or is this added footage of Mia Wallace shooting black & white footage of Vincent Vega and asking him questions?
or is this added footage of Mia Wallace shooting black & white footage of Vincent Vega and asking him questions?
If she asks him about Encyclopedia Brown or Betty and Veronica then it's stuff that was in the script but not in the final cut of the movie. In other words, extra.
I think I saw that as a deleted scene on one release.
Man, I wish I was a movie critic right now. Uwe Boll is going 3 rounds in the boxing ring with movie critics. [link] (There's nothing else at the link beyond what I've quoted here)
Tired of getting thrown under the bus by critics, German filmmaker Uwe Boll is fighting back - literally. Boll, who took offense to the overwhelming bashing that his latest film BloodRayne took at the hands of critics, decided that enough was enough and he challenged the would be pundits to a three round boxing match to settle things.
Internet casino, known for their unique marketing ploys, came on board and "Raging Boll" was born. Four matches are scheduled for September 23rd in Vancouver with a fifth match planned for Spain. The fights will be filmed for, you guessed it, an upcoming Boll project.
Note to self: Next time planning a date night, don't watch
The Weather Man
I once watched Taxi Driver followed by Breakfast a Tiffany's on a date. It was Not Good.