To wrench the discussion away from SoaP for a moment (which I don't think I'll be able to see, for my squick factor is high), what movie(s) would people nominate for the Gothy Cliché movie of The Aughts?
I had been talking about doing a Gothy Double Feature of Lost Boys and The Crow, and I was wondering how to round it out for the new millennium. Any thoughts?
(Underworld is currently the mental frontrunner, but it has even less of a plot than the other two.)
I had been talking about doing a Gothy Double Feature of Lost Boys and The Crow, and I was wondering how to round it out for the new millennium. Any thoughts?
That I wish I could be there when you do this. So fun!
(Underworld is currently the mental frontrunner, but it has even less of a plot than the other two.)
Underworld would be good. If you want something with a plot, you could always choose Gypsy 83 (roadtrip/coming of age movie about a goth girl and her fabulous gay boyfriend).
Moulin Rouge? The first Blade movie? (I love the opening nightclub scene.) Sleepy Hollow?
If you want something with a plot, you could always choose Gypsy 83 (roadtrip/coming of age movie about a goth girl and her fabulous gay boyfriend).
How have I never heard of this movie?? Off to Netflix!
Sleepy Hollow was '99, as was The Matrix (which is my personal favorite). Unfortunately, because Sleepy Hollow would be perfect. Blade is '98 (and how did I not know the working title was "Blade, the Vampire Slayer"? LOVE).
Gypsy 83 (roadtrip/coming of age movie about a goth girl and her fabulous gay boyfriend).
Ooooooh! Netflixed!
That I wish I could be there when you do this. So fun!
Perhaps we could have simul-double features!
Oh! How could I forget Ghost World?
Speaking of the plane treo: does anybody think she ACTUALLY had cell phone reception halfway between hawaii and california? No? Me either.