Schlindler's List
came out when I was pregnant so I avoided it. Still haven't seen it.
We considered
A Fish Called Wanda
last night before we selected
8 Heads in a Duffle Bag.
I adore Wanda but I thought the boys would appreciate Heads more. Both give me the most satisfying belly laughs.
I have been watching Deadwood, season 1 in lieu of movies... if anyone who watches is around, I am wondering if the theme song reminds anyone else of the underscoring in Firefly-- I think it might be particulary the underscoring of the beginning of Our Mrs. Reynolds, but I am not sure. There is just one phrase (doot. dooo do do) that trasports me right into the Firefly verse.
I can't be that specific, Sophia, but the Deadwood theme music definitely reminds me of Firefly. And I find myself thinking that it ought to be the other way around, because Firefly is set in the future while deadwood is set in the past, but of course Firefly was on my tv first...
We watched 11:14 last night, which I had never even heard of. Kind of a random cast, including Colin Hanks, Patrick Swayze, and Rachael Leigh Cook ("finer than frog's hair," according to one of the military guys here).
DUDE! I just saw that in the video store the other day, and I hadn't heard of it either, but it looked really interesting. Plus, Rachael Leigh Cook. So it's worth checking out?
Okay, listening to the Deadwood title music tonight, it's the initial violin line that sounds like Firefly to me. Also the last couple of phrases. And some in the middle.
If anyone can make sense of that, I will stand amazed.
What Dreams May Come
makes me weep every. single. time.
I saw some Snakes this weekend. Funniest movie I've seen all year. Our audience was very excited to be there, so there was lots of participation. The applause for SLJ's much-anticipated line almost drowned out the line itself. I can't wait to see it again.
I saw
Talladega Nights
tonight. Much funnier than I expected and Gary Cole KICKS ASS.
Plus, Rachael Leigh Cook. So it's worth checking out?
RLC is no Josie in this one, I have to warn you. 11:14 is more an exercise in filmmaking than an attempt to entertain, but I think you might find it interesting. It's got some neat stuff with shot comps and an interesting wall-to-wall soundtrack.
OH MY GOD, they killed Ellsworth!!! You bastards!!!!
I said
"FUCK!" at a very high volume when he got shot.
eta And yes, the DEADWOOD theme does remind me of some of the music they used in FIREFLY, though not the music for the opening song.