Entering the second act of Rent, the only thing I'm REALLY disappointed with so far is the fact that they split the first act into several days. I like it better as one day. There are some things that are coming across quite beautifully on film. And I LOVE Rosario Dawson, I've decided, as Mimi. I was never a huge fan of Daphne Rubin-Vega's voice like some, though, so that probably makes me less likely to get pissed.
Sorry, for the non Rent-heads in the audience.
What do you think of Traci Thoms as one of the new cast?
Oh, I really like her. A lot. She's a fairly minor character, compared to some of the others, so I didn't mention. But I'm watching her biggest song right now.
And.... yeah. She rocks.
I adored her, but then, I've never seen
on stage.
In all three casts I've seen, Joanne has been the weakest cast member, so I'm very, very happy to see Tracie in the film.
Okay, wow.
Emotional wreck now.
I don't think it's a great film. I wish it had been given to an inspired director, instead of the world's most boring one. It needed better connections between the music and the not-music. It shouldn't have cut the end of Goodbye Love. But still. I'm so, so grateful that it exists.
Why are so many musical movies that way?
Okay. Dropping the emotional baggage (I think the entire bottle of wine I drank while watching is helping) to go to SNAKES ON A MOTHERFU--IN PLANE!
More later. Somebody else post while I'm gone, so I don't feel like I'm hijacking the thread. Please.
(OH! I meant to post the other day that I finally saw Breakfast at Tiffany's and it was very silly but I, like everybody in the world, am completely in love with Audrey Hepburn.)
Have you seen her in
Roman Holiday
yet? She's just ridiculously fall-in-love-withable in that.
I think after drinking a bottle of wine is the perfect state to see SoaP. I have had no wine, but I intend to remedy that before 9:10 tonight.
I'm beginning to see where Emily and I went wrong. Stupid having to drive.